
Integrating mindfulness principles and practices into your life can help you cope with everyday life and deal with tough times. They can also help you concentrate, relax and be more productive, which are all things which will help you gain higher academic achievements and overall wellbeing.
Here you will find key information about mindfulness, the Curtin’s mindfulness support services and where to find additional mindfulness support and resources.
What is mindfulness?
Professor Jon Kabat- Zinn describes mindfulness as an awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally in the service of self-understanding. Mindfulness principles and practices are designed to offer you greater insight and awareness through observing our own mind. Regular practice can help us better manage stress, improve our focus, respond more proactively, and engage more fully in life.
Support at Curtin
Use the support network at Curtin University to learn how to improve mindfulness behaviours. Professional confidentiality is taken seriously at Curtin’s Psychological and Counselling Services and AccessAbility Services, so any information discussed will remain private unless you or others are in danger or if legally obligated to disclose.