Faith and religion

At Curtin we warmly welcome people of all faiths and religions into our diverse community.

We have a range of faith services and facilities available on and around campus, including visiting chaplains, multi-faith rooms, student clubs and societies, and religious events for a range of faiths and denominations. We can also organise alternative arrangements for examinations, assessments, graduations and some other events based on religious reasons.

Multi-faith facilities

Curtin University provides facilities to the Curtin community reserved for spiritual or religious purposes. There are three faith facilities currently available on the Perth Campus.


The Musalla (Building 510) is specifically reserved for Muslim prayers and religious festivals. Proper Wudu washing facilities are available, as well as separate male and female prayer areas. The space is open for the five daily prayers (Jummah occurs at 12:30pm every Friday).

Please note, this Musalla is for Curtin students and staff only. Unfortunately there is insufficient space to allow for community and family members to pray in this space.

For queries about this space, please visit the Muslim faith community page or email multi faith services.

Prayer and meditation room

The prayer and meditation room (Building 109) is available for anyone to use for prayer, meditation or other spiritual purposes. The room requires a current student or staff card for swipe access.

Prayer, bible study and meditation groups meet in this space. Please check the faith communities and visiting chaplains pages below for schedules.

Booked meetings have priority, so please always check the schedule on the door. For booking requests and other queries, please email multi faith services.

Spiritual Garden

The Spiritual Garden, between Building 307 and 308, is a reflective space.

The garden symbolises the earth and the unity of all beings around a common focal point – water, the symbol of life. Plants have been chosen for their special significance to diverse religious and spiritual traditions.

Feel free to use this space for quiet reflection, meditation and prayer. It is also used for memorial services when required.

Faith communities and events

Explore a range of faiths, events and visiting chaplains at Curtin University.

Baha’i Faith

The Baha’i Faith is a worldwide religion based on the teachings of Baha’u’llah.


Buddhism follows the teachings (Dharma) of the Buddha.


A religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.


Hinduism is a major and ancient world religion which began in South Asia and comprises of many systems of philosophy, belief, and ritual.


A monotheistic faith as revealed through the Prophet Muhammad as the messenger of Allah.


Judaism is a monotheistic religion which traces its origins back to Abraham.

Events and workshops

View a list of events run by the various faith groups at Curtin.

Religious equity arrangements

Learn how to organise alternative arrangements for examinations, assessments and graduation ceremonies for religious reasons.

How we can help

Our Multi-faith Officer supports students of all faith backgrounds and provides a neutral confidential space to explore your spiritual needs. It is important that Curtin is a safe space for you to explore and practice your religious faith.

Pastoral care

Supporting your unique spiritual needs and concerns as well as bereavement and grief support.

Practical support

Assisting with religious equity for exams, graduation and assessments.

Chaplain support

Referring you to a specific faith professional or community of your choice who can support your needs.

LGBTIQ+ support

Find support and access a range of LGBTIQ+ friendly religious resources.

Events and facilities

Managing and assisting with religious events, services and facilities on campus.

Get in touch

Contact the Multi-faith Officer at