Multi-faith events and workshops


For more information about Curtin’s Buddhist Chaplains and student-run groups visit the Buddhism webpage.


Session Name Date/s Time Location How to register
Christian Meditation Fridays throughout the semester 1.00pm - 1.45pm Meditation Room, Building 109 Level 2 and Online Walk-ins welcome
Catholic Mass Wednesdays throughout the semester 12.00pm Prayer Room, Building 109 UniHub or walk-ins welcome
Campus Bible Church Sundays 4.00pm Building 407, Room 208 Walk-ins wlecome
Bible Talk Wednesdays 12.00pm Building 401, Room 002 Walk-ins welcome
Church on campus with Ps Brian Wednesdays 1.15pm Building 210, Room 102 Walk-ins wlecome

For more information about Curtin’s Christian Chaplains and student-run groups visit the Christianity webpage.


The Musalla, Building 510 (see map) is available for prayers dawn to dusk. Your Curtin student ID will grant you access to the Musalla every day, including weekends. Jummah Prayer is held each Friday at 12:20pm in Building 510.

For specific prayer times at the Curtin Musalla, visit the Go Pray website.

For more information about Curtin’s Islamic Chaplain and student groups visit the Islam webpage.


There are currently no regular Jewish services run on campus, but religious and community support is offered by both the Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Lieberman and the Guild religious club Australasian Union of Jewish students (AUJS) Guild religious club.

For more information about Curtin’s Jewish Chaplain and student guild groups visit the Judaism webpage.


Fortnightly wellbeing events are offered by Hindu Chaplains together with the Curtin Hindu Club. Visit UniHub or the Club page for for more information about each event.


Faith gatherings are held on the first Wednesday of the month (except for tuition free weeks where it will be held on the following Wednesday) at 12.00pm in Building 201.408. For more information, contact