Respectful Relationships

Curtin is committed to providing a safe and respectful working and learning environment for our community. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are unacceptable. If you need assistance, please remember you are not alone.

There is a range of services and support available for students and staff.

If you are aware of, or have experienced an incident of sexual assault or harassment, report it online, call our Safer Communities team on 08 9266 4444, or if it’s an emergency call 000 for immediate police or ambulance assistance.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment or assault, support is available.

Find out about support services, how to report incidents, and what happens after you report.

Safety at Curtin

Report a sexual assault or sexual harassment incident

If you are aware of, or have experienced an incident of sexual assault or harassment, see something that shouldn’t be happening, or feel unsafe, please report it. The Safer Community Team can be reached directly on 08 9266 4444, or through our online form. You can make an anonymous report if you choose. All reports are treated seriously and confidentially.

Serious safety concerns

In a life-threatening situation, contact the Police on 000 or dial 0 000 from an internal phone.

If you, or someone you know is sexually assaulted or sexually harassed, or you see something that shouldn’t be happening, contact the Curtin Safer Community Team. The Safer Community Team offer 24 hour service, every day of the year, to the Perth, Technology Park, Perth CBD and Kalgoorlie campuses. The Safer Community Team will help you get the right support, even if the incident occurred in the past and/or did not occur on a Curtin campus.

A man sitting at his desk and typing on his computer. 2 Safer Community officers walking next to students. The officer's backs are facing the reader.

Contact the Safer Community Team

You can contact the Safer Community team by phone or online and we will be in touch.

Phone the Safer Community team at (08) 9266 4444

Contact the Safer Community team online

SafeZone Security App

If you are on the Perth Campus, use the SafeZone Security App to trigger an immediate response from the Safer Community Team without alerting an assailant.

International SOS

If you are on the University supported activities either interstate or overseas, ring International SOS on +61 2 9372 2468 and quote Membership No. 12AYCA656047.

Online safety

Any one of us might have a negative experience online, ranging from relatively low impact issues like mild criticism or feedback, to more damaging experiences such as cyberbulling, adult cyber abuse, image-based abuse or being scammed.

Cyber abuse [.pdf 350kB] is behaviour that uses technology to threaten, intimidate, harass or humiliate someone – with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically.

If you have a negative experience while online, support is available.

If the cyber abuse has occurred on a Curtin controlled online platform, you can report an incident to the Safer Community Team on (08) 9266 4444 or through our online form.