What happens after you report

Curtin recognises that reporting incidents of sexual harassment or sexual assault is extremely confronting. The information below is a guide on choices of support that you have.

As these incidences are so varied, with different levels of support and intervention required, we encourage you to speak to Safer Community Team in the first instance to understand the options that are available to your specific circumstances and to connect you with the appropriate support.

When you contact the Safer Community Team about sexual harassment or sexual assault:

  1. We’ll talk to you about your health and wellbeing

    Our first priority is to assist you with any anxiety, stress, depression or medical issues you may be experiencing. You’re welcome to have a support person with you, or ask us for any additional support you may need. If you require medical care or need to visit the hospital, we can facilitate this.

    We can have this confidential conversation face-to-face, via video call, phone, or if you’d prefer online.

  2. We’ll talk to you about your options

    We’ll talk to you about what next step you would like to take. At this point the conversation is still confidential and we’ll go through all the reporting options and supports available to you.

    We can then connect you with any resources you need on or off campus, whether that’s Curtin Psychological and Counselling Services, WA Police, Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), medical care or Centrelink.

  3. We’ll work with you to create a safety plan

    We’ll talk with you about your safety and any risks to you on campus or in public and make a plan to keep you safe.

  4. We’ll advise you on legal proceedings you can access

    If you choose to, we can talk you through accessing relevant legal processes such as obtaining a restraining order.

  5. You have a choice to request a formal investigation

    Where Curtin can investigate, a formal inquiry will be initiated. We will explain this process to you and answer any questions you have. If the incident is outside of Curtin’s jurisdiction, we will speak to you about external options such as an official police report.

  6. We’ll provide ongoing support

    We’ll help you decide what ongoing welfare and academic support you want to receive, and we’ll try our best to provide it or help to facilitate it.

    Here is a list of other support services that you can speak to:

If you are aware of, or have experienced an incident of sexual assault or harassment, report it online, call our Safer Community Team on 08 9266 4444, or if it’s an emergency call 000 for immediate police or ambulance assistance.