2021 National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) results for Curtin

In 2021, Universities Australia conducted the NSSS to learn the scale and nature of sexual assault and sexual harassment at universities. More than 43,000 students across Australia responded to the survey, including Curtin students. Curtin’s results will help to guide our ongoing work towards making our University a safe place to study, work and live.

If you are aware of, or have experienced an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment, report it online, or call our Safer Communities team on 08 9266 4444.

A portrait image of the testimonial author

“I am extremely grateful to all the students who shared their thoughts and experiences through the 2021 National Student Safety Survey, including 1,138 Curtin students. The results of the survey are being released today.

I empathise deeply with anyone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment. I also understand that recalling these experiences through completing the survey may have been very difficult.

I would like to thank those who shared their stories for their bravery and I assure them the results will enable Curtin, and all universities, to make campuses safer for everyone.”

Read the full statement sent to Curtin students.

Message from Vice-Chancellor Professor Harlene Hayne

Download the NSSS results

We understand that conversations about the NSSS and its results can be distressing for members of our University and wider community.

The results contain discussion and descriptions of sexual harassment and sexual assault and also contain mentions of self harm, drug use and suicide ideation.

We have support available if you need it.

Download Curtin’s 2021 NSSS results [.pdf 314KB] View the national results on the NSSS website

Initiatives already in place

We are committed to making ongoing meaningful changes that will help support and protect our students and the community. Some of the actions we’ve already taken include:

  1. New Respectful Relationships training modules for students

    We’ve introduced modules that focus on consent, relationships, support services and bystander interventions.

  2. Special consideration for students

    For students impacted by sexual harassment or sexual assault, we’ve created special provisions which enable them to confidentially access assignment extensions and examination deferrals.

  3. Disclosure training for students

    We’ve piloted training with our student representatives in what to do if a student discloses instances of sexual harassment or sexual assault.

  4. Disclosure training for staff

    We’ve adopted Universities Australia’s staff training module, which focuses on how staff can respond to and support students who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault and/or domestic violence.

  5. Student awareness

    Sexual assault and sexual harassment are unacceptable at Curtin. Through a range of websites, guides, presentations and orientation activities for students, we’ve delivered information about the support and wellbeing services we have in place.

More information

Curtin’s commitment to staff and students

Our priority is to protect and support all members of the Curtin community. We aim to foster a culture of respect, care and safety which will help to reduce incidents of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Support services

We offer a variety of free and confidential services to support you if you have experienced, or been affected by sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Online training program

The Respectful Relationships online training program aims to equip you with important life skills to support you and those around you. The program is mandatory for all students commencing from Semester Two, 2019 at our Australian campuses.

Frequently asked questions

Visit our FAQs to learn more about how to act when an incident occurs.