On Conditional status?

Being on Conditional status doesn’t mean you can’t continue with your studies, but it’s important you take action to prepare for a better outcome in the next study period.

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Completing a Student Success Plan is a good strategy to get you back on track. You’ll be able to reflect on the issues that have affected your studies, consider your choices, and develop a plan to improve your grades. It’s a good self-help tool which will also provide you with links to support services at Curtin.

Complete a Student Success Plan

Information for international students on Conditional Status

As an international student it is important that you understand the special obligations you have to study in Australia on a student visa.

If you are placed on Conditional Status for the first time, you will need to complete a Success Plan. If you have been on Conditional Status for two or more study periods in a row, you will need to:

  1. Complete a Success Plan; and
  2. Meet with an academic from your Faculty and together develop and submit an Intervention Strategy Plan.

What to do next?

After you’ve completed your Student Success Plan, check out the following resources and use the ones best suited to your situation.