Inherent requirements for Pharmacy courses

These inherent requirements apply to the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours).

Pharmacy student holding a sample

Why are inherent requirements essential for studying this course?

The Pharmacy degree programs at Curtin University are professionally accredited, and graduating students will need to meet the requirements of the professional body to register to work in this profession. Requirements for the profession are detailed in the following:

Australian Pharmacy Council

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) is the national accreditation authority for pharmacy education and training.

Pharmacy Board of Australia

The Pharmacy Board of Australia works to ensure that Australia’s pharmacists are suitably trained, qualified and safe to practise.

National Competency Standards | Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

PSA is an Australian Government-recognised peak national professional pharmacy organisation representing all of Australia’s 36,000 pharmacists working in all sectors and across all locations.

Professional Practice Standards | Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

PSA’s Professional Practice Standards (PPS) articulate the values of the pharmacy profession and expected standards of professional behaviour of pharmacists towards individuals, the community and society. The PPS underpins the professional practice of all pharmacists in Australia.

Code of Ethics | Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

PSA’s Code of Ethics for Pharmacists (the ‘Code’) articulates the values of the pharmacy profession and expected standards of ethical behaviour of pharmacists towards individuals, the community and society. The Code underpins the professional practice of all pharmacists in Australia.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency – Student Registration

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency works in partnership with the National Boards to ensure that Australia’s registered health practitioners are suitably trained, qualified and safe to practise.

Inherent requirement statements

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Inherent Requirements
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How to read the inherent requirements