Finding part time work
Curtin’s courses are designed with careers in mind. You can get involved in mentoring programs, voluntary work and industry placements, to help you graduate with the knowledge and skills relevant to current industry needs.

Part-time work or volunteer work can give you specific skills that employers look for, such as:
- communication skills
- problem solving skills
- teamwork
- time management and organisation
- emotional intelligence
- entrepreneurship
Working on an international student visa
Your student visa allows you to work up to 48 hours per fortnight when your course is in session and unlimited hours during semester breaks, so you can work while you study in Australia. However, you shouldn’t rely on part-time work to pay for your tuition fees or other living expenses.
If you are studying a higher degree by research on a student visa, there is no limit on the number of hours you can work.
Where to find part-time work in Perth
The city has a wide range of industries and you may find part-time employment that fits in between your study hours. You can find work in restaurants, retail outlets and most service industries, although competition for jobs is strong.
- Visit the Curtin Careers, Employment & Leadership website to view part-time and casual job vacancies specifically for Curtin students.
- Search for advertised positions both online and in print media.
- Access your personal networks and social media to find employment opportunities in Perth.
- Join a recruitment agency that focuses on part-time and casual jobs that may suit your working hours.
Still have questions? We have answered our most frequently asked questions on how to find part time work
Work tips from international students
Paying tax and superannuation
- Tax File Number: If you are going to work in Australia or open an Australian bank account, you need to apply for a Tax File Number. For more information visit the Australian Taxation Office website.
- Superannuation: If you are paid $450 or more in a calendar month, your employer is required to pay money into a superannuation fund on your behalf.
Volunteer work
Join Australia’s largest student-led voluntary work organisation, Curtin Volunteers!, where you can help the community and the environment, meet new people, learn valuable leadership skills and practise your English.
Curtin Careers
Curtin Careers, Employment & Leadership provide services that include career counselling, an online jobs board, a mentoring program, employer events, and workshops and presentations to help you in areas such as writing your résumé and practising for job interviews.