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How do I withdraw from my course?

UPDATED 18 FEB 2025 | 5:35AM

Curtin has a range of study and personal support services available to assist you with your study journey. If you are wanting to take a break from your studies, you may be eligible to take a leave of absence. Before proceeding with a withdrawal request, please ensure you are aware of the census date and last date to withdraw as listed on the Academic Calendar, as a withdrawal may incur financial or academic penalties. If you wish to withdraw from your course entirely, you must first withdraw from your units via eStudent. Please then submit a written request to Curtin Connect through our online enquiry form by selecting the Managing your course option, followed by the Course withdrawal option. You will receive an email confirmation once your withdrawal request has been processed.  If you are studying through Open Universities Australia (OUA), you will need to amend your enrolment through the OUA Student Hub or by contacting OUA directly. Upon being withdrawn from your course, you will also lose access to OASIS functions such as your student email account, Blackboard, and eStudent, as well as Microsoft Office 365 immediately. You will need to backup any important files, emails etc. prior to your loss of access. 

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