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How do I switch courses?

UPDATED 29 SEP 2023 | 8:14AM

To apply to course switch, that is changing from one Curtin course to another Curtin course, please follow the instructions below: 

  1. View the Curtin course switching web page for information about course switching eligibility criteria and application cut-off dates.

  2. Locate the course that you want to switch into on the Curtin course website.

  3. Begin your application by clicking on the green 'Apply Nowbutton, and selecting 'I'm starting a new application and I already have a Student ID'.

  4. After you have completed your application, make sure you regularly check your provided email address for the outcome.

  5. Once you have received an offer and are admitted into the new course, submit a request to Curtin Connect to withdraw from your previous course.

Please be aware of the following when applying for course switching:

  • Switching courses only refers to changing form one Curtin course to another Curtin course. If you wish to switch to another institution, you must contact the external institution directly for assistance.

  • Application to a course does not guarantee acceptance and admission.

If you would like to discuss your decision to apply to change courses, you can contact Curtin Careers.

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