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How do I calculate my grade point average (GPA)?

UPDATED 22 SEP 2023 | 8:43AM
Curtin University does not use or calculate a Grade Point Average (GPA). Under the Curtin University grading system, a Course Weighted Average (CWA) of 0.00 is the minimum, a CWA of 50.00 is the mid-point and a CWA of 100.00 is the maximum, and this scale may be used to calculate an equivalent GPA. The Course Weighted Average, as currently displayed on the Academic Transcript, will be displayed on the Graduation Statement.
Further information about Curtin's grading system can be found in the Assessment and Student Progression Manual.
If you have been asked to provide a GPA, we recommend that you liaise with the inquiring institution as they may have a guide on how to convert your marks into their GPA scale, or a calculator to do it for you.

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