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How many WACE ATAR courses do mature age students have to study to gain entry into Curtin?

UPDATED 02 OCT 2023 | 6:49AM

Mature age applicants are required to complete a minimum of two Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) ATAR courses in the same year to obtain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)/Selection Rank. Please see the TISC website for further information. Applicants will also need to satisfy English competency and any prerequisites or special requirements necessary for entry to particular courses. The Study.Curtin website provides specific course information and entry requirements, including required ATAR score and prerequisites for all courses offered at the University. Mature age applicants who wish to apply to study the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery are advised that they are required to study four WACE ATAR courses to be eligible. Applicants applying on the basis of fewer than four courses will not be considered for this course. It is also important to note that mature age applicants should not possess a tertiary record if they're looking to apply by completing four ATAR courses. For further information, please visit the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery application requirements webpage.  

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