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What is my CHESSN and how do I find it?

UPDATED 01 DEC 2023 | 4:48AM
We are unable to provide students with their CHESSN over the phone or via email (it's a confidential number like a Tax File Number).
Documents remain in the eStudent My Documents tab for 1200 days.
If the student can not find any previous eCANs in their eStudent My Documents tab, follow the steps below to find one on Student One:
  1. Log into Student One
  2. Go to the Student Systems Issued Document Search tab
  3. Enter Student ID Number and search
  4. See if there are any Commonwealth Assistance Notice (eCAN) available
  5. Verify the student's identity and advise that we can post them an eCAN which contains their CHESSN
  6. Print eCAN and post to student's address they provide you.
If there are no eCANs at all showing in the Student Systems Issued Document Search tab on Student One, escalate to Fees team. They may be able to manually generate an eCAN for the student. 

Your CHESSN is your Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number. This unique identifier helps Curtin and the Australian government provide you with information about any Commonwealth assistance (e.g. HELP loans) you may have used.

Your CHESSN is recorded on your . To retrieve your eCAN, please follow the below steps:

  1. Log into your OASIS account
  2. Go to the My Studies tab and
  3. Click on eStudent
  4. Click on My Documents
  5. Select an eCAN from the document list
If you are unable to locate your eCAN in the My Documents tab, please contact for assistance.

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