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Does Curtin offer units over the Summer Study Period?

UPDATED 08 NOV 2023 | 6:45AM

Curtin University does not currently offer units during the Summer Study Period. You may want to consider the following options for studying over the summer break:

  • Curtin Open Universities Australia (OUA)

Curtin offers some units online through OUA during Study Period 4 which takes place over the summer break and ends before Semester 1 commences the following year. 

Domestic students may be eligible to enrol in Curtin OUA units via Fast Track. This process enables Curtin Perth students to undertake available units that will count towards the completion of their Curtin course. 

  • Cross Institutional studies or Extension studies

You could possibly enrol into suitable units over summer at other WA universities such as UWAECU, or Murdoch, or one of the other OUA university partners via Cross Institution or Extension studies

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