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A Library item on loan to me has been stolen, what can I do?

UPDATED 17 OCT 2023 | 5:13AM
If an item is stolen while on campus, report the incident to the Safer Community Team on +61 8 9266 4444, then lodge a stolen property inventory form with the police.
If your library items have been stolen off campus:
  1. Lodge a stolen property inventory form with the police. List each item’s title and author, and state the replacement value of each item as $75.
  2. Receive the PDF report titled ‘Abridged Incident Information: Stolen/Damaged Property Inventory’ (within seven business days).
  3. Forward this report to as part of your claim.
We will also search for the items in the Library over a three week period. Library staff will be in contact at the end of this time.

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