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Why do I have items that I returned or never borrowed on my borrower record?

UPDATED 17 OCT 2023 | 5:13AM
If you believe you have already returned or never borrowed library items on loan, please look for them again, checking:
  • among your belongings, in bookcases, bags or boxes
  • in your desk, study or work locations
  • in your car
  • with friends, family, students or colleagues
  • with other libraries you use, such as public libraries or other university libraries.
If you find the items return them to the Library as soon as possible. If still not found, email, providing as many details as possible. We will also search for the items in the Library over a three week period but if they are not found we will email you your options.
Please be aware you are responsible for overdue fines for items up to the day you notify us of this issue.

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