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Why can't I enrol into a unit?

UPDATED 27 SEP 2023 | 6:46AM

If you are an OUA student, enrolment is managed through your OUA student hub. If you require a prerequisite waiver to enrol into an OUA unit, please submit an online request.

If you are unable to enrol into a specific unit in eStudent, click Unavailable? under the unit name to display the error message. Click on the relevant error message below for further instructions.
If you encounter an error message not listed above, submit an online request and select Enrolment issue- eStudent error

Staff Information

Other reasons a student may be unable to enrol:

  • Fee liability category. Check the Student Study Package window in S1 to ensure the unit liability category is set up correctly against the students study plan.
  • Course/unit level mismatch. Undergraduate courses should not contain any units that are enabling (have an unit code commencing with zero) or postgraduate (have a unit code commencing with 5000 or above).
  • Self-enrol flag not ticked. This could be at unit level, availability level, template level or course level.
  • Unit has a co-requisite.
  • Unit is an equivalent or an anti-requisite to a unit that has previously been passed by the student.
  • Unit study mode doesn't match the student's study mode (e.g. extension or OUA).
  • Incorrect version of unit on study plan. 

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