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What is Studiosity and how do I access it?

UPDATED 09 JAN 2024 | 2:54AM
Studiosity is an online writing and study skills service. Curtin students who are enrolled in a first-year undergraduate unit can access Studiosity 24/7 to ask questions and get feedback on academic writing, helping build skills that will be useful throughout their studies. There are two services on offer:
  • Writing Feedback gives constructive, confidential writing feedback. Students can upload a draft at any time, and a writing specialist will send it back with comments, suggestions and encouragement for how they can improve their work.
  • Connect Live offers one-to-one, personal help in real-time. Friendly subject specialists are available to help students with tricky study questions in maths, science, stats, English, assignment research and more. Sessions are typically up to 20 minutes in duration.
Studiosity's subject specialists do not deliver course content and are not a proofreading service.
Curtin students in eligible units can access Studiosity through Blackboard. A link is provided within first-year undergraduate units. Please note that limits do apply.
  • Use your Curtin student number and password to link to the Studiosity website.
  • You are required to tick a box that acknowledges you take responsibility for your own work before access is granted to Studiosity.  

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