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How do I register to receive my graduation award certificate?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 9:08AM

To receive your award certificate, you must register via the university's online graduation registration system. 

Graduation invitations are usually sent monthly after you have been completed in your course. This invitation will provide access to register to graduate in absentia (mail) or to attend a future ceremony.

It is the responsibility of each student to maintain up to date contact details with the University and ensure they continue to read their Official Communications Channel (OCC) messages after course completion and up to the time of receiving their official graduation documentation.

Once graduation ceremony dates are confirmed, they will be published to the Important dates for your graduation ceremony website.  Registration for Curtin Bentley Perth graduation ceremonies are sent out twice per year, usually after Semester 1 and Semester 2 result release according to the Academic Calendar, regardless of the study period a student has completed in.

The Graduation Invitation will invite you to register to either;

  • Attend a graduation ceremony, or
  • Defer your ceremony (for up to 12 months), or
  • Receive your Award Certificate by mail.

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