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What is the Graduate Outcomes Survey?

UPDATED 05 SEP 2024 | 7:18AM

The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) is a national survey funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training that collects information on graduates' labour market outcomes and further study activities. 

Replacing the Graduate Destination Survey (GDS; a component of the Australian Graduate Survey) from 2016 onwards, GOS is administered online to graduates of Australian higher education institutions about five months after their course completion at or via an Australian campus (i.e.. Australian onshore graduates including HECS and international fee paying students).

Particularly for Curtin University, the GOS has been adapted internally for graduates at the Curtin Malaysia campus and the Curtin Singapore campus. The adaptation is referred to as the Curtin Graduate Outcomes Survey (CGOS).

Refer to Graduate Outcomes Survey for further information.

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