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How is my Curtin Access Plan distributed?

UPDATED 09 JAN 2024 | 2:56AM

You will be emailed a PDF version of your Curtin Access Plan by your AccessAbility advisor once it is finalised.

It is essential that you complete the CAP Student Declaration linked to the email.

  • If your CAP has been created prior to the study period start date, and you have submitted the CAP declaration, your CAP will be automatically distributed to relevant academic staff 10 days prior to the study period start date.
  • If your CAP has been created following the study period start date, and you have submitted the declaration, your CAP will be automatically distributed to relevant academic staff on the date the CAP declaration is submitted.
  • If your CAP is distributed after Week 1 of a study period, please note that reasonable notice is required for the application for adjustments and that adjustments cannot be applied retrospectively.

Within seven days of receiving your CAP, your unit coordinator should notify you via the Official Communications Channel (OCC) how the reasonable adjustments can be applied to the unit. Please do not assume these adjustments have been applied until you have had written confirmation from the unit coordinator.

While your confidentiality is respected, your reasonable adjustments outlined in your Curtin Access Plan (CAP) may be viewable by other Curtin staff in the Curtin Student Management System

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