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What is the Post Entry Language Task (PELT)?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 7:53AM

The PELT comprises of a series of tasks exploring your vocabulary, reading, comprehension and ability to summarise information and communicate in written English. This task enables Curtin to identify and provide support to students who may require additional language support to successfully complete their studies. 

You should complete the PELT within 14 days of your first study period. 

To complete the PELT, login to Curtin Challenge with your Curtin ID and password and then select Post Entry Language Task (PELT).

We recommend allowing 30 minutes to complete the task, however your progress will be saved if you do not complete it in one sitting.

The PELT is only designed to be completed once. Your first attempt will be your only recorded attempt at completing the PELT. Your PELT results will only be accessible to with support staff in your faculty.

If you have any further questions, contact . If you are experiencing technical difficulties on the Challenge platform, email with a description of your issue. For Learning and Teaching queries please email

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