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What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

UPDATED 09 OCT 2023 | 3:50AM

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a government-issued reference code that identifies you as someone who has commenced or undertaken education or training within Australia. You keep the same USI for life as it’s your national education number. Students are required to obtain a USI, then submit it to Curtin via eStudent. If you do not submit your USI, you will receive a and may have your enrolment cancelled or lose access to Commonwealth financial assistance (such as HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP).   Visit Curtin's USI website for more information, including how to obtain and submit your USI to Curtin.

Who is required to submit a USI?

USI has replaced CHESSN.
Cohorts that must submit USI: 
  • New domestic students
  • New international students if they plan to complete their degree by end of 2022 or after
  • Continuing domestic (CSP) students if they plan to complete course by end of 2022 or after
  • Continuing domestic (DFP) students if they plan to complete course by end of 2022 or were originally paying upfront and now wish to use FEE-HELP
  • Continuing international students if they plan to complete course by end of 2022 or after
Cohorts not required to submit USI:
  • International students studying their entire course offshore 

Checking validity of a USI

A student will see their USI has a placeholder status of 'not verified' until it has been checked by Fees Tier 2. Students that have submitted invalid USIs will be contacted.
To check if a student has a USI attached to their account, check the 'Further Student Details' window in Student 1. If you need to check if a USI is valid, escalate to Fees Tier 2. 

Lifting USI sanction

USI sanctions can only be lifted by Fees Tier 2.

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