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What is Respectful Relationships?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 6:05AM
Respectful Relationships is an online training program that addresses consent, relationships, support services and bystander interventions. The program consists of 3 content modules, which contain a mixture of information, short videos and questions. 
The program is compulsory for all Curtin students and residents of Curtin’s on-campus accommodation in Australia. You are required to complete the Respectful Relationships program within the first 4 weeks of your new course. If you either, have not completed the program, or have not been granted an exemption by the deadline, a will be placed on your OASIS account. 
The program takes approximately 1 hour to complete. However, you do not need to complete the program in one sitting. You are free to log out and return to the program when you wish.

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