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Can I withdraw under special circumstances?

UPDATED 09 OCT 2023 | 4:11AM
If there were circumstances beyond your control that impacted your studies after the census date, you can apply for a refund or remission of your tuition fees. 
If your application is successful, a unit withdrawal (WD) will also be applied to your student record unless: 
  • Academic Performance Feedback is received by your Unit Coordinator or Head of School; or
  • An academic penalty has been applied due to a breach of academic integrity and the unit has been recorded with a reduced, annulled or fail grade. 
If you are studying at an Australian campus, Curtin Mauritius, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology or are an Open Universities Australia (OUA) student in a Commonwealth Supported Place, you can apply via the Refund and remission of fees online form
If you are an Open Universities (OUA) student and not in a Commonwealth Supported Place, you can apply for special circumstances via the OUA website.

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