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Where can I pray on campus?

UPDATED 03 JUL 2024 | 7:02AM
Prayer is welcomed at Curtin University. 
Bentley campus
Salah, Jummah and Islamic prayers 
The Musalla - building 510 is available for all Curtin staff and students with dedicated prayer spaces for men and women including wudu washing facilities. This facility is open for the main Salah prayers and Jummah is hosted each Friday at 12:20pm. You must use your Curtin staff or student ID card to gain entry to this facility, no Curtin ID card no entry. This facility is limited to staff and students due to safety and capacity restrictions. Please see the Musalla access guidelines for further information or contact the Multi-faith Officer. 
Prayer, Meditation and Chanting 
All faiths, religions, spiritual and meditative practises are welcome to use the Multifaith room in building 109. Please do not enter if a prior booking is under way. If you would like a regular booking please contact the multi-faith officer. A Curtin ID card is required to access this facility. 
Perth City campus
Prayer mats are located on site in both the law and business buildings, contact the safer community team for access. Feel free to use a quite study room for prayer then return them back to the library. 
If Kalgoorlie students need to access a pray and worship space on campus please contact the Wellbeing Adviser. For a dedicated off-campus Islamic prayer space please contact WAMSAK Muslim Students Association Kalgoorlie

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