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I have paid my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), when can I activate it and obtain my OSHC membership number?

UPDATED 27 JUN 2024 | 7:24AM

If you have purchased OSHC cover via Curtin, the university can only accept OSHC payment on behalf of Medibank Private, our preferred provider. Your Medibank OSHC policy will be processed once your OSHC payment is received and your admission to Curtin University is confirmed.
Medibank will send your Policy Certificate to the personal email address which you provided to Curtin. This certificate will contain all the relevant information about your policy, including your membership number, coverage period and instructions on how to activate your membership once you arrive in Australia. If your arrival date does not align with the dates in the Medibank Policy, you will need to contact the Medibank OSHC team by phone 134148 or email
For more information on what Medibank OSHC policy covers, please refer to the Curtin Medibank brochures.

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