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What is OASIS?

UPDATED 27 SEP 2023 | 5:14AM

OASIS is Curtin's online student portal which acts as the single point of access to important information, resources and services. As part of Curtin's policy, students are required to login to OASIS at least once every seven days.

The range of services available through OASIS is always growing, but some of the main services you have access to via OASIS are:

  • Official Communications Channel (OCC) - Official electronic communications from the University
  • Student email access
  • Blackboard - Curtin's learning management system
  • eStudent - student records, enrolment details and results
  • Official Document Order
  • Curtin news and events
  • ID card online order
  • SmartRider registration

For further information, visit the OASIS help pages.

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