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When should I apply for on-campus accommodation?

UPDATED 03 JUL 2024 | 3:45PM

For either Perth or Kalgoorlie campuses, we recommend you apply for your accommodation early so you have a better chance to secure your preferred room. Applications for student accommodation are open twice a year, around May for semester 2 intake and around October for semester 1 intake the following year. For semester 2 2024, the portal for new on-campus Perth applications is now open.

If you are an international student, we suggest you apply for your accommodation when you apply for your course, or once you have accepted your offer, as you will need to have your accommodation booked before you arrive in Perth. You can apply for on-campus accommodation through our accommodation portal

For SingaporeMalaysia, Dubai and Mauritius campuses, contact them directly for more information.

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