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Can I speak to someone about coming to study at Curtin University?

UPDATED 28 JAN 2022 | 6:16AM
Can I speak to someone about coming to study at Curtin University?
Yes, and it’s a great idea to know what courses there are available first by visiting the study webpage. This resource will allow you to start your student journey, discover course offerings, admission criteria, fees and charges, and information on how to apply.
If you’d like to know more, we encourage you to submit your questions via our webform or give us a call. Your enquiry will be answered by one of our Future Student Advisors.
Depending on your citizenship status, please find other contact details below. 
Australia citizens & permanent residents and NZ citizens Website: Study Telephone: +61 1300 222 888 (select 2-1-3) Book an appointment: Curtin Connect Future Student Bookings Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm (AWST), Tuesday: 9:30am to 4:30pm (AWST) (Excluding public holidays)   International Website: International Future Students Telephone: +61 8 9266 7331 or + 61 8 9266 2431 Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 or +61 8 9266 4013


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