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Is the StepUp Bonus considered for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship?

Yes, final ATAR scores that include the will be considered for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship. Please note the StepUp Bonus is not applicable for the Curtin Top Excellence Scholarship. ...

Can I receive more than one scholarship?

Your eligibility to apply for multiple scholarships will depend on current criteria: TISC applicants You may only receive one scholarship in any one offer round. If you qualify for more than one scholarship you will be offered the scholarship of...

I need to sit the STAT. Will I be considered for the Excellence Scholarship if I receive an offer in the second round?

Yes. If you are required to sit the , you will need to meet the scholarship eligibility criteria, maintain Curtin as your first preference in TISC and receive an offer of a place into an eligible first preference course in second round offers to rece...

I have applied for the Bachelor of Medicine at Curtin as my first preference. If I don't receive an offer for the Bachelor of Medicine, can I still be considered for a Curtin Excellence Scholarship if I receive an offer into my second preference?

The Bachelor of Medicine is not an eligible course for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship. If you do not receive an offer for the Bachelor of Medicine at Curtin but instead receive an offer into your second TISC preference (Curtin), the scholarship wi...

How do I contact Curtin Connect?

Curtin Connect is your hub for student service and support. Our team is on hand to help with a range of enquires throughout your time at Curtin, from your course application, to your graduation and everything in between! Get in touch with us using t...

How do I get IT support?

If you're a student and you're having problems with Curtin systems or IT facilities, the IT tools and guides webpages may help to resolve your issue. If you're still experiencing difficulties, you can contact the Digital & Technology Solution...

What is an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF)?

Your electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) is a request for government assistance for your tuition fees. If you are an eligible domestic student studying in Australia, you must submit an eCAF before the due date of the study period if you wi...

What is HECS-HELP?

HECS-HELP is an Australian Government loan available to eligible students enrolled in a to defer their tuition fees. View the HECS-HELP page on the Study Assist website for eligibility criteria. Domestic students must submit an prior to the due ...

Is Curtin open on public holidays?

Curtin is closed on most public holidays. The public holidays Curtin will be closed for can be found below: New Years Day Australia Day Labour Day Good Friday Easter Monday Easter Tuesday (although this is not an official public holiday, Curt...

How do I plan my timetable?

Curtin's useful planning tool Plan Your Timetable allows you to experiment with different combinations of classes (e.g. lectures/tutorials) to come up with a timetable that suits your availability. This tool can also be used to view the class times f...

When is Orientation Week (O-Week)?

Orientation Week (O-Week) occurs the week prior to classes commencing. For study periods and O-Week dates, please refer to the Academic Calendar. ...

How do I get a tax file number (TFN)?

If you do not have a tax file number (TFN), there are two ways you can obtain one, depending on your circumstances. Option one: Lodge an application for a TFN on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website. After you’ve completed the application,...

How can I get disability and accessibility support?

You can get disability and accessibility support from AccessAbility Services at Curtin. Visit the AccessAbility website OR book online Phone: +61 8 9266 7850 or 1800 651 878 Email: Mail: AccessAbility Services Curtin...

How do I order official documents online?

To place an official documents order online, please follow the steps below: 1. Log into OASIS 2. Under the Welcome tab, click on Order Official Documents 3. Follow the prompts to place your order and make payment. Your document order will be proc...

What type of classes will I attend?

The class types you may attend will depend on which units you are enrolled in. The main class types delivered at Curtin are: Lectures are presentations given by a subject matter expert, on a specific subject area within the unit you are studying. ...

Where is Curtin University located?

Our main campus is situated in Bentley, six kilometres south of Perth, Western Australia's capital city. Whilst the Curtin Perth campus is the largest of the Curtin campuses and offers the majority of our courses, we also operate out of several other...

What is FEE-HELP?

FEE-HELP is an Australian Government loan available to eligible domestic students enrolled in a to defer their tuition fees. Eligibility criteria can be found on the FEE-HELP page of the Study Assist website. To have your fees deferred using a HEL...

I would like to take a break from my studies. What are my options?

If you would like to take a break from your studies, the following options are available to you: Take a leave of absence: Taking a leave of absence reserves your place in the course for the duration of the approved leave. You can take leave from y...

What is SA-HELP?

SA-HELP is an Australian Government HELP loan available to eligible domestic students who do not wish to pay their upfront. View the Study Assist website for eligibility criteria. To defer your SSAF, you must submit an for SA-HELP before the due d...

What are my study load options?

Depending on your course, you can choose to: Study full-time Full-time study involves enrolling in units totalling 100 credit points (usually 4 units each semester/trimester), which means around 30 hours overall work time per week. For most students...

I have not met the maths prerequisite for entry in to the course I am interested in, what are my options?

If you have met Curtin's English entry requirement and achieved the required ATAR for your course of interest but have not met the mathematics requisite, one of the following options may assist:UniReady Enabling: the Mathematics for Science unit will...

Can my Curtin award be verified?

Curtin University has an Online Award Verification Service that can be used to verify a Curtin Award conferred after 1992. For awards conferred prior to 1992, or qualifications that cannot be verified on the online platform, please submit an online ...

What does the last withdrawal via eStudentOUA or academic penalty date mean?

The academic penalty date or last withdrawal via eStudent/Open Universities Australia, is the last date you are able to withdraw from units within that study period. If you withdraw from a unit any time between the and the academic penalty date, y...

What is the difference between fully online and internal units?

Units with an internal attendance mode involve regular ongoing face-to-face tutorials, lectures and laboratory sessions on campus on an agreed schedule. Units with a fully online attendance mode involve the unit content being delivered online. S...

What do the building numbers mean at Curtin University?

All Curtin buildings in Australia are named as well as numbered. Specific rooms or locations on campus are referred to by their building number, level, then room number. For example: Building 105.210 is the TL Robertson Library which is Building 105...

Can someone else enquire about my student information or speak on my behalf?

No, unless you complete a Disclosure of Information/Proxy Authorisation Form and provide consent to another party to receive information and/or act on your behalf. Once the form has been completed and signed by both the student and the nominated pro...

How do I pay my fees by international bank transfer (Flywire)?

You can pay your fees by international bank transfer using the option in Curtin ePay. Once you have received your or Letter of Offer: Visit Curtin ePay and enter your student details to begin the payment process. Select Flywire as your payment...

What hours does Curtin operate?

Generally, the university's administrative business hours are Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and closed on the weekends. There is some variation between the faculties. Classes typically start from 8 am in the morning and finish by no ...

How long will it take to complete an undergraduate degree?

Undergraduate degrees require between three and five years of full-time or equivalent part-time study (if your degree is available to be studied part-time). A full-time study load typically consists of 200 credits (approximately eight units) per yea...

How can I contact the Future Students team?

Thinking about studying at Curtin? Have a question about one of our courses? Get in touch with our Future Students team using the details below. View our frequently asked questions: We have a range of FAQs about studying at Curtin. Book a...

How do I contact Scholarships?

Undergraduate & Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship Enquiries Drop in: Curtin Connect Building 102, Curtin University Perth Campus WA Phone: 1300 222 888 Email: Mail: Scholarships Office ...

If I accept my offer, can I change my mind and defer it?

If you have accepted your offer and then decide to defer, please submit an online enquiry to our Admissions team by following the steps below: 1. Head to our online enquiry form submission page 2. Select 'Current Students' 3. Select 'Admissions...

How much does on-campus accommodation cost?

Accommodation prices will vary depending on the type of accommodation you choose. You can view prices for Perth and Kalgoorlie accommodation via our website. ...

How do I overload my unit enrolment in a study period?

Overloading refers to enrolling in more than the standard study load for any given study period. For example, undertaking 125 credits (five 25-credit units) within a semester instead of the standard 100 credits (four 25-credit units). Overload req...

Where can I pray on campus?

Prayer is welcomed at Curtin University. Bentley campus Salah, Jummah and Islamic prayers The Musalla - building 510 is available for all Curtin staff and students with dedicated prayer spaces for men and women including wudu washing facili...

What is a faculty?

Faculties are the primary academic divisions in which teaching and research are conducted. Curtin is divided into four discipline based study areas: Faculty of Business and Law Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Scienc...

What happens if I do not pay my tuition fees on time?

New commencing international students If you do not pay your fees by the due date stated on your Letter of Offer, you won't be able to enrol in your course or obtain a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or student visa. Continuing international studen...

Does Curtin offer online courses?

Yes. A number of courses at Curtin University are available to be studied either partially or fully online. Fully online courses Visit the Curtin Online website for more information on Curtin's online undergraduate and postgraduate course options. ...

How much time will I have to allocate to studying?

Students can expect that for every 1 hour of class time, they will put in 1 hour of additional study. If you choose to study in a full-time capacity, you will likely take four units per semester. A typical unit may account for 3 or more hours of co...

What do I need to know about Orientation Week and is it compulsory?

The orientation program is one week prior to the commencement of each semester and all new students are required to attend. Besides the compulsory session for each faculty, we do recommend new students to register for other sessions held during t...

What is a double degree?

A double degree comprises two individually approved courses that have a condensed course structure, allowing you to study units from both courses simultaneously. This allows you to be able to complete the double degree in less time than doing the two...

Can I withdraw from a unit after the census date?

You can withdraw from units until the displayed on the Academic Calendar. If you withdraw from a unit after the has passed but prior to the last withdrawal date, you will be liable for the full fees of the unit/s, however you will not be academical...

What is Flywire?

Flywire is an international payment facilitator that allows you to pay your Curtin tuition fees securely from overseas, often in your local currency. Depending on your home country, your payment options include bank transfer, credit card, e-payments,...

Do I need to wear a uniform at Curtin?

At Curtin certain courses require you to wear a uniform or protective clothing etc. For example, if you are studying Chemistry, it is a requirement to wear enclosed shoes and a lab coat for laboratory classes. Students who visit construction sites ...

What is the New to Curtin Mentor Program?

The New to Curtin Mentor Program provides new students with the opportunity to connect with current students in a similar area of study to support them in their successful transition to studying at Curtin University. The program is available to all n...

What events are held for mature age students during Orientation Week (O-Week)?

We run optional sessions for mature age and part-time students during Orientation Week (O-Week). These sessions can be found in your Personalised Orientation Planner, available in OASIS prior to O-Week. If you're unable to attend a session, replays ...

What is a Commonwealth supported place (CSP)?

A Commonwealth supported place (CSP) is an enrolment in a course where part of your tuition is subsidised by the Australian government, so you pay a lower tuition fee. CSPs are offered in undergraduate (Bachelor) courses and a select number of postgr...

What is professional practice?

Professional practice (also known as placements, clinics or practicals) is where a student is required to extend knowledge and skills within a face to face practical environment. This is different to work integrated learning (WIL) or work experience,...

What is the TISC automatic safety net?

If you have been made an offer and you are not quite sure whether that's what you really want, you can use the TISC automatic safety net to save your Main Round Offer (December) and to be considered in the Second Round Offers (January). Please see t...

What is the difference between FEE-HELP and HECS-HELP?

FEE-HELP and HECS-HELP are used by eligible students to defer tuition fees. Although both forms serve a similar purpose, a FEE-HELP form is completed for courses in which you have a and a HECS-HELP form is completed for courses in which you hav...

When will I receive the cash payment for my scholarship?

Scholarship payment dates vary, however Curtin funded scholarships payments normally occur just after and Commonwealth and externally funded scholarship payments normally occur after the . Scholarship payment dates should be detailed in the terms ...

What are the HELP eligibility requirements for New Zealand citizens?

If you are an eligible New Zealand Special Category Visa (SCV) holder and meet the requisite criteria, you will be able to access a HELP loan to pay your tuition fees. To be eligible, you must: Be a New Zealand citizen who holds a Special Categor...

When do I need to pay my fees?

You need to pay your Tuition and Student Services Amenities Fees (SSAF) prior to the due date recorded on your eInvoice. If you are an international student commencing a new course, you must pay your tuition fees upfront by the due date indicated on...

What is class registration?

Class registration is the process of choosing the classes you would like to attend for your units. Classes can include activities such as lectures, tutorials, workshops or seminars, depending on the structure of your units. You need to register into ...

How much will it cost to study at Curtin?

Course tuition fees can be found on the Courses webpage using the steps below: Search for the course you wish to study in the Find your course search box. Select the relevant course from the search results. Ensure the correct student status ("Do...

How many intakes does each course have per year?

Most courses at Curtin offer intakes in semester one (usually starting in February) and/or semester two (usually starting in July). However, not all courses will have intakes for both. Some courses have intakes in other study terms (e.g. the Master...

How long will it take to receive my ID card?

Delivery times are dependent on location. We recommend that you visit the Australia Post website to view an estimate for delivery to your area. If you have not received your ID card in the estimated time frame, please contact Curtin Connect. F...

What is the difference between a single and a double major?

Certain courses allow you to choose a major and in some cases a double major. A major is usually 200 credit points (8 units) that are a part of your course structure, however this will vary depending on your course. Some courses will have more or le...

What is a Curtin Access Plan and how do I get one?

A Curtin Access Plan (CAP) is a document that outlines the reasonable adjustments recommended for a student with a disability/medical condition or a carer of a person with disability to enable equitable access to their studies and assessments. If yo...

What extra curricular activities are available at Curtin?

There is more to uni life than working or studying, and Curtin University strives to provide all-round development of its staff and students. Some of the things that are on offer for you to explore and to enrich your Curtin life are: Recreational Se...

What is a University Admission Advice Letter (UAAL)?

The Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL) contains the following: Final scaled scores Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) (if appropriate) Eligibility information for the four public universities in Western Australia including Cur...

How do I extend my visa?

To extend your visa, you will need an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) to support your visa application, which you will need to apply directly to the Department of Home Affairs. When you first accept an offer for a course at Curtin Unive...

What is a domestic fee paying place?

A domestic fee paying (DFP) place is one where the university does not receive any government funding towards your enrolment. If you are enrolled in a domestic fee paying place, you must pay the full cost of your course. This will result in the cost ...

Are there child care facilities available on campus?

Yes. Curtin University's Early Childhood Centre is situated in a purpose-built centre on the Curtin Perth campus where experienced and qualified carers provide programs to meet the needs and interests of the children in care. Priority of access is g...

Can I pay my tuition fees from overseas?

You can pay your tuition fees quickly and securely from overseas using Curtin's online payment platform, ePay. The Paying your fees guide provides instructions on making payments. The following payment methods are accepted: Credit or debit card...

When do I need to apply for a new CoE to extend my student visa?

If your student visa expires before the next official result release date then you will need to order your CoE. This is so that you can apply for a new student visa with the Department of Home Affairs in order to continue your current course of stud...

How do I change my name on Curtin's systems?

To update your formal or preferred name with Curtin University, follow the steps below: Log into OASIS. Click on My Studies tab, scroll down to locate the Student Details section on the right hand side. Select Change Personal Details. Complete ...

What if I don't meet the admission requirements for the course I want to study?

If you don’t meet the admission criteria for an undergraduate degree, there are several ways to gain entry. View alternative pathways for information and try our Pathway Finder Tool. There are many different pathways including UniReady, TAFE, Port...

Where do I find Curtin's course guides?

You can either find our course guides online via the links below, or ask for a hardcopy in person at Curtin Connect (Building 102, Curtin Perth Campus). Undergraduate Courses 2025 Humanities 2025 Business, Innovation and Law 2025 Science 2025...

Who is the current Vice Chancellor?

The current Vice-Chancellor is Professor Harlene Hayne. Professor Harlene Hayne was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Curtin University in April 2021, having previously been the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago in New Zealand. Professor Ha...

Where can I enquire about lost property?

Please contact to check our online register for lost property. The online register lists all lost property items handed in to Curtin Connect (Building 102), TL Robertson Library (Building 105) and all Abacus labs (Building 303 or 408) at the Curtin ...

Are there any rental or financial assistance programs for on-campus accommodation?

Visit our website for the latest information on special offers available for on-campus accommodation. You can also view the Curtin's scholarships website to see if you are eligible for any accommodation-related scholarships. ...

What is portfolio entry?

Through Portfolio entry, you can apply for your preferred course with a portfolio of documents that showcase your academic achievements, qualifications, work experience, extra-curricular activities and suitability for tertiary study. You can appl...

Is there a library on campus?

Yes, there are a number of libraries across our Curtin campuses: TL Robertson Library Curtin Graduate School of Business Library John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library Curtin's WA School of Mines Kalgoorlie Library Visit Curtin's Library page ...

Is there a free bus within the campus?

Yes, take advantage of our free bus services to make your journey to, from and around our Perth campus easier. Our Curtin Access Bus (CABS) helps students and staff in the surrounding Bentley suburbs get to campus, while our Campus Courtesy Bus ensur...

Can TISC (Tertiary Institutions Service Centre) applicants change their course preferences?

Yes, please refer to Choosing and Changing Preferences on the TISC website for information on how to change your preferences. Note: TISC applicants should check the relevant deadlines on the TISC calendar for important dates regarding changing prefe...

What happens if my WACE English ATAR does not meet Curtin's English requirement?

To be eligible to apply for a course at Curtin, you must satisfy the English competency requirement. If you have not achieved a sufficient scaled mark in English ATAR, Literature ATAR or EALD ATAR, you may get a second opportunity to demonstrate you...

Do I have access to free parking in on-campus accommodation?

At the Curtin Bentley Campus, limited free parking is available for residents at some UniLodge properties. If parking is unavailable at your property, you may park elsewhere on campus for a fee. Monthly permits and pay-as-you-go options are available...

Am I required to sit the UCAT ANZ if I want to apply for Curtin's Medical degree?

All applicants* to Curtin's Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) course must sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) ANZ. and the Casper Test, these must be completed the same year as application. Curtin does not use the GAMSAT ...

How are scholarships paid at Curtin?

Curtin scholarships may contribute towards tuition fees, housing fees, cash payments or a combination of these. Scholarships that provide a cash payment will be paid directly into your nominated bank account according to the scholarship terms and...

How do I contact the Kalgoorlie campus?

Students studying at the Kalgoorlie campus can contact Curtin Connect for student service support. Queries specific to the Kalgoorlie campus can be directed as below: Website: Phone: +61 8 9088 617...

Can I attend Orientation Week (O-Week) on campus if I am studying online?

Yes, you are more than welcome to take part in our on-campus Orientation Week (O-Week) sessions. For further information on orientation sessions, please refer to your Personalised Orientation Planner in OASIS. You can also access orientation resourc...

How do I get religious equity support for an assignment, exam or placement?

Curtin has equity support if you have a religious festival, fast or holy day that falls on the day or time of your exam or that significantly impacts your ability to complete an assignment of placement. The event must be obligatory for all participa...

Where can I find important Curtin dates and deadlines?

Important dates and deadlines for all Curtin study periods can be found on the Academic Calendar. We encourage you to particularly familiarise yourself with the , (last date to withdraw) and the final enrolment date for your study period. Student...

I am an International student and have successfully completed my pathway course, how do I change courses?

As an international student, it may be possible to course switch (change from studying one Curtin course to studying another Curtin course), however, a place cannot be guaranteed. Students are still required to meet the entry requirements or prerequi...

What is cross-institutional enrolment and how do I apply?

Cross-institutional enrolment falls into two categories, outbound and inbound: Outbound cross-institutional enrolment refers to a student remaining enrolled in their principal course at Curtin and then undertaking a unit/s offered at another Austral...

What is the difference between the 'Additional Days to Submit Assessments' on my CAP and Assessment Extensions?

The 'Additional Days to Submit Assessments' on your CAP are different to Assessment Extensions. Additional Days to Submit Assessments on CAP: An ongoing reasonable adjustment to accommodate for a disability/medical condition that is known in adva...

How do I claim Centrelink financial support (i.e.Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY) while studying?

Centrelink provides financial assistance such as Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY to eligible, full-time students. To find out if you are eligible and how to apply, please contact the relevant area: Youth Allowance Austudy ABSTUDY Curtin ...

What support is available to International students?

Adjusting to life in a new country can be a challenge, however, Curtin provides a range of personal and academic support to all of our students. Any student who has a problem, or question, or is finding studying difficult, can contact Student Wellbei...

What happens to my scholarship if I withdraw from my course?

Your scholarship will be cancelled if you completely withdraw from Curtin University. If you withdraw from your course after you receive your semester payment, you may also be required to repay that semester's payment. If your withdrawal is due to ...

Where can I find the entry requirements for courses?

Each Curtin course has specific entry requirements. On our Future Students webpage you will be able to search all of Curtin’s course offerings. Once you have selected your course, click on the Admission Criteria tab to view the up-to-date informati...

How do I change from studying full-time to part-time and vice versa?

Changing from part-time to full time and vice versa, involves in or from units to reach your preferred study load. If you are not bound by student visa conditions or conditions on your course, you can amend your own enrolment to suit your prefer...

What are the activities that my family and I can do in Perth?

Perth is well known for its pristine beaches, bush life and the botanical magic of Kings Park. But step outside of the city and there are even more adventures to be had. With its spectacular coastline, unspoiled national parks and peaceful Islands, t...

Is Halal food available at Curtin?

Yes. Halal food is available at the Curtin Perth campus. More information is available from the Curtin Student Guild website. ...

Is there public transport near the campus?

Visiting campus is easy with our two conveniently located bus stations. Plan your trips with Opens in a new window:Transperth. There is a Central Bus Station on Bentley campus, situated in the Exchange Precinct The circle route, which runs between...

Can I study part-time?

You may be able to study part-time, undertaking as few as 25 or 50 credit points (one or two units) per semester. This reduces your weekly workload considerably but extends the duration of your course. You may also be able to change each semester, st...

What is the speed limit around campus?

The legal speed limit on roads around the Curtin Perth campus is 30kph and 10kph in all car parks or as signposted. With the single objective of minimising risks to all staff, students, and visitors using the campus, a strict campaign against speedin...

Can couples or families live on campus?

Most rooms on campus are set up for single living, however there are limited room types in UniLodge properties that can accommodate adult couples. You may need to explore off-campus options if there is no availability for these rooms, or you are look...

I am unable to enter Australia due to visa processing delays. If my student visa is refused, will I receive a full refund for my course fees?

If you are studying a Curtin English course, the English Language Courses Refund Agreement will apply. You will receive a refund on the ‘unused component’ of the English Language Course in accordance with the ESOS Instrument (Calculation of Refun...

Where can I find more information on various support services offered at Curtin?

Student Wellbeing Advisory Service If you’re struggling with studies or wish to discuss personal issues with someone, contact our Student Wellbeing Advisory Service for counselling and wellbeing advices. Our service is free and confidential for a...

How do I apply for on-campus student accommodation?

To apply for on-campus accommodation at Curtin Perth: Visit Curtin's accommodation webpage and scroll to explore the options available. Select 'Apply Now' to access the booking portal. Follow the steps to submit your application. As some accom...

How do I contact the International Sponsored Students Unit (ISSU)?

Contact the International Sponsored Student Unit using the details below: Email: Location: Curtin Connect, Building 102, Bentley Campus Website: International Sponsored Student Unit ...

How do I find out the status of my application for a higher degree by research?

You will be notified of the status of your application by the Graduate Research School. Please do not refer to the application status listed within the My Applications tab in eStudent for an update on your application status. This section is used onl...

What English test scores do I need to meet the English language requirements to study at Curtin?

Curtin requires all applicants to demonstrate proficiency in English. There are specific English requirements for every course outlined in the IELTS (International English Language Test System) table on each course page via the Entry requirements tab...

Do I need to submit an eCAF if I am a postgraduate student?

If you are studying in a domestic fee paying course, you can apply to defer your fees using a FEE-HELP loan. You will need to complete an for FEE-HELP prior to the study period fee due date. If you will be paying your full fees upfront by the due d...

Where can I get information on student accommodation?

Visit our accommodation website for information on student accommodation. For Curtin Perth reservations and enquiries, please contact or call +61 8 6186 3303. For Curtin Kalgoorlie reservations and enquiries, please conta...

I have paid the deposit amount stated on my offer letter, why do I still have outstanding fees?

As an international student, the fee quoted on your letter of offer is only indicative (an approximation of your tuition fees) and may differ depending upon the units you have enrolled in and the calendar year you commence your studies. To check you...

What is the Office of Alumni Relations?

The Office of Alumni Relations is the central alumni office and is committed to keeping the Alumni network at Curtin healthy and strong and to enhancing the reputation of Curtin graduates by fostering lifelong partnerships between former students and...

Do I have to pay the full indicative fee on my Letter of Offer?

If you are an international student, you must pay the full indicative fee for the first study period of your course. This amount will be stipulated as the tuition fee deposit on your Letter of Offer. It is a condition of your offer that this fee is p...

What documentation do I require to change my name or date of birth with Curtin?

To update your legal name with Curtin (this includes your first name, last name or other names) you will need to provide: ▪ one primary form of identification; and ▪ one secondary form of identification. When submitting your documents, e...

What is the difference between postgraduate coursework and research programs?

Postgraduate coursework programs have a set study plan structure. Students are required to complete all required assignments or assessments to pass the units on their study plans. Postgraduate research qualifications are awarded following the comple...

How do I develop a Curtin Access Plan?

Make an appointment with an AccessAbility advisor to discuss your situation and the support you may need at Curtin. If you can’t get to the Perth Campus, you can make a phone or online appointment. Please provide supporting documentation from your...

Can I get a loan for my postgraduate course?

Eligible students studying in a postgraduate course, can apply for a to defer their tuition fees during their studies. The government FEE-HELP loan scheme allows students to defer their tuition fees as a HELP loan, so that up front payment is not re...

Do I need to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

If you are an international student on a subclass 500 student visa, you must maintain valid Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) at all times. It is a condition of your student visa that you and your dependants maintain adequate health insurance arra...

How do I pay my tuition fees from China?

You can pay your fees from China using UnionPay, Alipay or international bank transfer via the option in Curtin ePay. You can find out more about using Flywire to pay from China below: Flywire brochure (Chinese) [.pdf 13MB] Getting started with...

How do I apply to study a postgraduate course at Curtin?

Postgraduate study are university-level courses for students who have either an undergraduate degree or significant work/life experience in the study area. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and masters degrees. Th...

What disability services are available at Curtin?

If you have a disability or health condition that affects your studies, contact our AccessAbility officers for support to explore services such as Curtin Access Plan and Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program. Curtin also offers a range of support serv...

What is Curtin College?

Curtin College offers diploma courses that provide a direct entry path into a bachelor’s degree at Curtin University. These diploma courses follow the university curriculum and unit structure, whereby students will be studying bachelor degree units...

I'm a HDR student and I'm having trouble paying my fees, who can I contact?

If you're having trouble paying your thesis fees, you may for advice. Alternatively, you may wish to speak with your thesis supervisor. ...

Where can I find the Tertiary Institution Service Centre (TISC) course codes for my application?

Students can find all TISC course codes on the TISC course search. Unfortunately, Curtin is unable to provide the TISC course codes directly to the public due to liability implications. Likewise, TISC will not provide these codes over the telephone ...

What Orientation information is available for Curtin OUA students?

You can access information specific to commencing your online studies on the Curtin OUA Orientation page. There you will find information about key tasks to complete before classes begin and tips to help you settle into online study. ...

I am an international student. Can I defer my Letter of Offer to the next intake?

Yes, depending on your circumstances, you have the following options to defer your Letter of Offer: ▪ I have received my Letter of Offer, but have not accepted or received a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE): Please lodge a request at the Ask Intern...

What is an incidental fee, and how do I pay for it?

An incidental fee is a fee charged by the school for resources (i.e. field trip expenses, material costs) used within a unit. Incidental fees are separate to, and do not include the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). You can find the total ...

Do I have to disclose my disability or health condition in the Curtin Access Plan?

Your Curtin Access Plan will only contain disability information that you choose to release, and your disability or medical information/health professional documentation will be kept confidential by AccessAbility Services in accordance with our confi...

Do I still have to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) if I don't intend to use any of the amenities and services?

If you have been charged the SSAF, you must pay the fee. You are encouraged to make use of all services and amenities provided at Curtin and the Student Guild to make the most of your university experience. If you're not sure what is available, you c...

Can I remain in Australia until my student visa expires if I have completed my course?

Once you have completed your studies, you'll need to contact the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to confirm how long you may remain in Australia on your current visa. The DHA can also advise on your application eligibility for a different type of vi...

How do I pay rent in on-campus accommodation?

For Perth on-campus accommodation, rent can be paid fortnightly or upfront for the full-term. Further information will be provided in your Room Offer. Please contact Curtin Perth's Reservations team at, or on +61 8 6186...

I am an International student and have received a scholarship as part of my offer to Curtin University Perth. If I defer, will I be able to receive my scholarship next semester?

Global Curtin scholarships cannot be retained if a recipient defers their studies beyond the original start date of their course and will not be extended beyond its prescribed duration or amount, unless notified otherwise by Global Curtin. For any ...

Where can I get a taxi from on campus?

Curtin University has a number of taxi stands across our Curtin Perth campus. To find where they are, visit the Curtin Perth campus map and use the search bar to find 'taxi'. ...

Does Curtin offer courses with evening classes?

Although we don’t have a specific list of courses that offer evening classes, there are some courses that do have classes offered outside of business hours. To get an idea for when your classes may be, find your units on the Curtin Handbook and in...

What scholarships are available?

Visit the Scholarships website for details about what scholarships are currently available, application key dates and eligibility criteria. To receive regular scholarships updates, sign up for the scholarships email alert. ...

Where can I view frequently asked questions (FAQs)?

Have a question about studying at Curtin? View our FAQs for future students. Currently studying at Curtin and have a question? View our FAQs for current students. ...

What are pathways to undergraduate courses within health sciences?

To explore a range of health science courses and their entry requirements, visit the Faculty of Health Sciences webpage. Navigate to your chosen course offering and select 'Admission Criteria'. If you don't meet the minimum entry requirements to ...

How do I apply to go on exchange?

The Go Global Team offers a variety of information sessions to assist you to plan and prepare for your international experience. We recommend that you register for a Go Global Information Session. These sessions are the best way to learn about the ...

How do I accept my TI SC Curtin Offer?

You will receive an email directly from Curtin with the details of your offer once it has been processed. You can then accept your offer via the steps below: Login to OASIS. You may need to activate your account if it is your first time logging i...

Can I apply for a postgraduate course if I am still finishing my undergraduate course?

Yes. Students who are in their final semester/study period of their undergraduate degree can lodge their application prior to the completion of their course. Applicants who have satisfied entry requirements may receive a conditional offer, with the c...

When should I apply for on-campus accommodation?

For either Perth or Kalgoorlie campuses, we recommend applying for on-campus accommodation early for a better chance of securing your preferred room. Applications for student accommodation are open twice a year, around May for Semester 2 intake, and ...

How do I know which scholarships I may be eligible for?

Curtin’s Scholarships site allows you to search and apply for scholarships specific to you. By filtering the search criteria you can generate all scholarships which are specific to you, your course of study or faculty you are in. Curtin offers both...

Are there any courses or activities that may be offensive to me, culture or my beliefs?

It is highly recommended that you read the course and unit information so you are fully aware of the essential requirements of study and can identify if any activities or content would conflict with your culture or beliefs. Some examples include th...

How does payment work for a Curtin Credential enrolment?

Once you select your credential, you will proceed to an enrolment page. Payment is made by Credit Card or MasterCard/Visa Debit Card and is taken immediately upon completion of enrolment. More information on this program can be found on the Cu...

Can I still use my TER or ATAR for meeting undergraduate entry requirements?

Yes, currently Curtin University accepts your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) from any year. The ATAR was formerly known as TER (Tertiary Entrance Rank), which is also recognised by Curtin University. For further information, visit the ATA...

What do I do if my Orientation sessions clash?

If there is a clash between your compulsory faculty sessions in your orientation timetable, we recommend contacting your faculty directly for advice on which session to attend and how to access presentation slides and key information. If there is a ...

I am an international sponsored student who has just arrived in Australia and need to meet with my designated Sponsored Student Officer. How do I contact them?

The International Sponsored Student Unit (ISSU) provides support to sponsored students and their sponsor organisations. There are four dedicated staff members who aim to ensure that students and sponsors are provided with quality support during their...

How do I change my gender details on my student record?

To change your gender details, you can submit an online request or contact the team at Curtin Connect. Curtin systems allow for identification as M (male), F (female), or X (indeterminate/unspecified/intersex). No supporting documentation is require...

Can I smoke on campus?

No you cannot smoke on campus. From 1 January 2012, Curtin University's Western Australian campuses, including staff and student housing, became smoke-free. Consequently, you will not be able to smoke anywhere on Curtin campuses, including buildings,...

How do I pay back my HELP loan?

Once the study period census date has passed, any payments you make towards your HELP loan debt must be paid directly to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). You will be required to make repayments to your HELP loan debt once your income is above t...

I want to practice in the field of nursing or allied health in an overseas country with my Australian qualification. How can I organise registration for this country?

Curtin understands the value in our Graduates’ qualifications being recognised for overseas registration. If you have graduated from Curtin within the last 10 years, we may be able to support you in the verification of your Curtin qualification. ...

What short term accommodation is available on-campus?

Nesuto Curtin Hotel is available at our Curtin Perth Campus for short stays. Depending on availability, short-term accommodation may be available at our Perth and Kalgoorlie student accommodation. Contact Curtin Reservations or Agricola to enquire. ...

As an international student, can I work in Australia while I'm studying?

Please visit our Enrolment and Visa Information for International Students page where you may find more information for international students on a Subclass 500 Student Visa on working in Australia, under the 'Managing your visa and visa requirements...

Can I renew my student visa whilst in Australia?

Whilst you are currently enrolled in full-time study, you may apply to renew your student visa in Australia as long as your current student visa is not subject to Condition 8534 - 'no further stay'. Refer to the international student visa page for f...

What should I study and who can help me decide?

We would first encourage you to search our course offerings by visiting our Future Students webpage. This resource will assist in providing you with a suitable course, as well as up-to-date information about the course offering, admission criteria, f...

Am I a domestic or international student?

You are considered a domestic student if you are: a citizen of Australia a citizen of New Zealand a dual citizen of Australia and any other country a Permanent Resident of Australia, or on an Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa. You are c...

Should I study, work or travel before commencing my studies at Curtin?

It’s entirely up to you! Some people take time off before starting university to travel, pursue a hobby, gain skills and life experience, or to earn money. There are benefits to this as students with life experience often do very well at univer...

I have submitted an eCAF without a TFN, will my fees still be deferred?

No. Your fees will not be deferred if you have submitted an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) without a tax file number (TFN). If you are an eligible Commonwealth supported student, your eCAF will be approved, but you will need to submit...

Can I apply for a scholarship if I am an international student?

Yes. Scholarships are part of Curtin's commitment to rewarding academic excellence, supporting research and enabling students from all backgrounds to realise their potential. As an international student, your application is automatically assessed for...

As an international student, when do I need to accept my offer?

There are 3 different categories of acceptance due dates: For countries listed here (country list), acceptance due date is 7 weeks before course start date, as stated on your Offer Letter. If you have a GTE Finance or GTE Interview condition on yo...

Are all students charged the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)?

No, not all students are charged the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). You can find a list of exempt students on the Current students webpage. ...

My WACE results are much lower than I expected. What entry pathways are available?

There are several options available for applicants who do not meet the minimum entry requirements to apply to Curtin. Please visit the the Pathway Finder to determine your alternative options. ...

I am an international student with school-aged dependants. How do I arrange their schooling?

In Western Australia (WA), dependants of international students may be enrolled in either approved government (public) or non-government (private) schools registered by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRIC...

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Current students: The scholarship application process is completed online. Current student scholarship applications generally open in October and close in March. Once scholarships are open, the link to the online form will be available on each schol...

Can I keep a pet in on-campus accommodation?

You are not able to keep a pet if living in on-campus accommodation. If you would like to have a pet, you will need to seek accommodation off-campus. Your options may be limited as you will need to find a place that allows you to keep a pet. ...

What are my responsibilities if I am a sponsored HDR student or a HDR scholarship holder?

If you are a sponsored student or are receiving a scholarship, it is your responsibility to be aware of when your sponsorship or scholarship ceases, so that you do not unexpectedly begin to incur fees that you will be liable to pay. If you would like...

When I receive my early offer, can I accept and enrol in units?

No. To be able to accept your offer and enrol in units, you will need to have officially satisfied the admission criteria for your course. This information will only be available once your ATAR results are released at the end of the year. ...

I am an International student, will I be able to obtain CRL or exemptions?

Credit for Recognised Learning (CRL) or exemptions are given based on previous studies and are related to the major chosen. Units passed in previous studies that do not equate to a Curtin unit will not be exempted. No exemptions will be granted if th...

When is the closing date for a scholarship application?

Application deadlines differ depending on the scholarship you are applying for. Refer to the Scholarships website for specific dates and deadlines for each scholarship. Scholarships for future students usually open in July and close in November each...

What are the pathways to meet the English requirements of my course?

If you are an international student and did not meet the English language entry score required for your course, you may want to consider applying for a study program at Curtin English. It is located on campus grounds in Perth and gives you access to ...

What is common free time?

Common free time is the period from 12:00pm to 2:00pm each Wednesday during teaching weeks, during which classes or other compulsory student activities should not be scheduled or held. Non-academic activities including guild markets, fundraising, em...

How long is the STAT (Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test) result valid for?

At Curtin, if you sit the full STAT (Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test), your score is valid indefinitely. However, if you only sit the written English component to meet English competency or you only sit the multiple choice test, the score is onl...

Are there any retail, restaurants or other shops and services near student accommodation on the Perth Campus?

Yes, there are a range of retail outlets within walking distance of the Perth Campus accommodation. If you choose to live at Twin Dolphin Hall or St Catherine’s College, you will have a gourmet grocer, restaurants and retail outlets at your doorste...

What is the refund policy for a Curtin credential?

Curtin Credentials cancellation and refund conditions can be found below: If you wish to terminate your studies before completion of your Credential, you must notify Curtin by email at During the Credential Term, ...

What does Curtin's Perth campus look like?

The Curtin Perth campus covers 116 hectares and includes landscaped grounds, gardens and sports fields. This campus is the academic base for most of Curtin’s students, bringing together a diversity of ages, cultures and learning disciplines, result...

What should my child study and how do I help them decide?

There are many things to consider as a school leaver deciding what to study at university. Encourage them to think about what they would enjoy studying, rather than what they think they should be studying as they are more likely to succeed with ...

Can I keep my scholarship if I switch courses?

If you are considering changing courses, check the terms and conditions of your scholarship to determine if you can keep your scholarship. Please notify the Scholarships Office prior to switching courses. ...

What are the alternate pathways to Science and Engineering undergraduate courses?

If you don't meet the minimum entry requirements to apply for your chosen course within the Science and Engineering field, you may be able to meet these requirements by starting a Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science. The Bachelor of Multidiscip...

How will my scholarship affect my Centrelink payments?

If you receive a Centrelink payment, you need to declare any scholarships you are awarded to Centrelink. Your scholarship may impact your Centrelink payments. For advice, please contact Centrelink directly. Please use your Curtin student ID as the sc...

Can visitors stay overnight in my room or unit?

Rules and regulations differ across our accommodation options and you may need to register any visitors with your accommodation provider. Please enquire with your student accommodation provider for more information or refer to your accommodation hand...

What courses are available for international students?

There are a number of courses available for international students. Please refer to our online Curtin Courses Handbook for more details. Alternatively, please visit our Course Finder page to find a course of your interest. Please note this is subject...

What are my study HELP loan options?

If you are a domestic student, you may be eligible for subsidies and/or loans provided by the Australian government, including: Subsidies through Commonwealth supported places (CSP) Student loans through the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) ...

Can I study at an institution that Curtin does not have an exchange agreement with?

Yes. This is considered a Study Abroad and Exchange program. Under a Study Abroad program, you can attend institutions with which Curtin does not have an exchange agreement. To apply for a Study Abroad and Exchange program, you are required to: ...

I am an international student applying for a HDR course. How will I know the status of my application?

To enquire about the status of your HDR application, please visit the Ask International page and lodge an enquiry. Usually, applicants are notified of the outcome of their assessments and the Letter of Offer will be issued to successfu...

Why should I provide my personal details to a Curtin staff member if I am only making an enquiry?

We endeavour to provide better quality service through high level customer relations, and if you provide your details or information, we can give you more specific and tailored advice. It can also be used to send through updated and relevant informat...

What is undergraduate study?

Undergraduate study is also referred to as post-secondary education and is normally studied at a higher education institution, such as a university. The most common type of undergraduate study is the bachelor's degree, which typically takes three to...

I failed one of my UniReady in school subjects, what should I do?

To discuss your options, please contact UniReady on 9266 7632 or We’re here to help you find the best path forward. ...

What undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available online?

Curtin University offers a number of courses that can be studied fully online. View the online courses webpage to discover your options. Some Curtin courses are also offered online via Open Universities Australia (OUA). Many Curtin courses can b...

How do I meet the eligibility requirement of completing high school?

If you are entering the University as a WA Year 12 student from a secondary school, it is essential for you to satisfy the requirements of the Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) which is managed by the School Curriculum and Standards A...

Do I have to put Curtin as my first preference to be eligible for Curtin scholarships?

Some scholarships will require you to apply through TISC and have Curtin as your first preference, while others do not. The Scholarships website outlines the required eligibility criteria for each scholarship, as well as further useful information. ...

How are my thesis fees determined?

If you are an international student, your thesis fees are calculated on a daily rate depending on when you enrol. If you are a domestic Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student, you are currently exempt from paying tuition fees. Your fees are supp...

How do I apply to be in the StepUp to Curtin program?  

If you are applying based on Financial Hardship and you are not attending a school that is eligible for StepUp adjustment, you will need to complete the StepUp Application Form. Otherwise, you do not need to submit an application form as students ar...

What are Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarships?

Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarships are to assist Indigenous students from low socio-economic backgrounds to undertake an enabling course, associate degree or bachelor degree at Curtin University. Curtin University offers the following Commonwealth...

How can I stay involved with Curtin University after I graduate?

Keep your contact details up-to-date and you'll receive university news and be notified of upcoming events. If you're interested in becoming a mentor to current students, joining or creating an alumni chapter or volunteering at various events, yo...

How much does it cost to study units externally?

The unit fee for an external unit is the same as the internal equivalent. For specific unit fees, please refer to our tuition fees webpage. ...

How many scholarships can I apply for?

You can apply for as many scholarships as you like, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. Students can be awarded multiple scholarships per offer round provided they are from different funding sources and/or for different purposes. If you're...

How can I stay in touch with family and friends overseas?

There are several mobile and internet providers to choose from that provide phone plans to make international calls. You can often find their outlets in local shopping centres around Perth. Free WIFI is also available whilst you are on-campus. About...

Do you offer any short courses?

Our graduate certificate courses are comprised of four units and can be completed in one semester full-time or the equivalent part-time. Graduate certificate courses are designed for individuals wanting to develop skills in a specialised area. The m...

My school has told me that I have been nominated for the Principals Recommendation Award for Curtin. What does that mean?

Your school principal has nominated you for a one-off scholarship prize awarded by Curtin University. After Curtin receives your nomination, your eligibility will be assessed. Information about the Curtin Principal's Recommendation Award can be found...

I am after a course that Curtin does not offer. Where do I go from here?

The Government of Western Australia Jobs and Skills WA website is a great tool that allows you to search for an occupation and courses that will help you gain the skills to work in that job. If you’re a current student and you need career advice, y...

I didnt receive a course offer in the first round, as I need to sit the STAT to meet English competency. Will I be considered for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship if I receive a course offer in the second round?

If you meet the scholarship eligibility criteria, maintain Curtin as your first preference, and receive an offer of a place into an eligible course in second round offers, you will be eligible for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship offer in January. ...

If I study online, will I still be eligible to apply for Post Study Working Rights?

Please visit the Australian Study Requirement webpage for current information on requirements for Post Study Working rights. ...

Do I have to pay an application fee to apply for on-campus accommodation?

It is free to apply for accommodation at Perth and Kalgoorlie (Agricola) campuses. Payment is required to secure your place once you have received an offer. ...

How can I apply to study as an international student?

Applying to study at Curtin is easy, you can apply directly yourself or through a registered Curtin agent. Once you have chosen a Curtin course, view our instructions on how to apply. Assessing your application will take approximately two weeks*. ...

How do I know if I've been offered a domestic fee paying place?

If you have been offered a domestic fee paying place, this will be stated on your letter of offer. ...

What security and after-hours support is provided in on-campus accommodation?

All of our on-campus accommodation has CCTV security and is patrolled by Curtin’s Safer Community Team who offer 24/7 assistance, every day of the year. The highly trained team are available to help with security escorts back to residence, mechanic...

I just arrived in Perth and dont have any accommodation. What do I do?

If you require support in finding accommodation, please complete this enquiry form and one of our Accommodation Coaches will respond to your request. You will need to log in using your student ID to complete the form. You can also review our accommod...

How can I receive notifications about scholarships I am eligible to apply for?

You can sign up for our Scholarships Email Alert. Once you have registered, you will receive an email alert whenever a scholarship that matches your criteria is opened for applications. You will also receive a reminder email a week before applicatio...

Do I need a visa to study at Curtin as an international student?

Yes, you will need a visa to study in Australia. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs for student visa information. ...

Can I keep my scholarship if I transfer to another institution?

No. Curtin University awarded scholarships are not transferable to another university or institution. Refer to the terms and conditions of your scholarship for more information. ...

How are high school visits requested?

If you are interested in booking an engagement experience with our Future Student Engagement team please visit our Book a School Visit page. General information for career advisors and teachers can be found on our Career advisors and Teachers page. ...

What will my personal details be used for if I enquire online?

When you submit an enquiry online to Curtin Connect, some personal information will be captured. This will include your personal contact details which will be used by specialist Customer Service Officers to contact you to assist with your enquiry. A...

Is interest charged to my HELP debt?

There is no interest charged on HELP debts. However, indexation is added to your debt on 1 June each year. Indexation is applied to your debt to maintain its real value by adjusting it in line with changes in the cost of living. HELP debts are not ...

I'm not sure what to study, what are my options?

It’s OK to not know what you want study – there are so many options! Use the resources below to explore your interests and find out which courses complement your abilities and goals. Find U quiz Explore the many possibilities that could suit...

Can I apply for a scholarship if I am not an Australian Citizen?

Yes. You may apply for scholarships if you are not an Australian citizen. Visit our Scholarships website and search for available scholarships by selecting your citizenship status under 'Filter your search'. You can also register for the Scholarshi...

Is there an option for catered accommodation on-campus at Curtin Perth?

St Catherine's College (St Cat's) is the only accommodation that provides catered options for students at Curtin Perth. Based on your room type, you can package 7, 14 or 21 meals per week that are served in the prestigious St Cat's dining hall. ...

I have a valid visa to travel to Western Australia for onshore studies. Can I remain fully online even if I am onshore?

If you hold a current visa, you will need to travel to Western Australia to commence your studies on campus. Online studies are only being offered to students who have experienced a delay in receiving a visa and therefore not able to arrive onshore t...

Who can I contact for OS Help loan enquiries?

The Go Global team can assist you if you have questions about OS Help loans. Email: Phone: 1300 222 888 (ask for Go Global) Opening hours: 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday ...

Why have I been asked to provide my educational background in OASIS?

If you have been admitted into a Curtin course from 2020 onwards and we are yet to receive your educational background information, you will be prompted to complete the educational background form. All three questions on the form must be completed, a...

I am currently located outside Australia, how do I apply for a refund for my student visa?

Student visa holders who are outside Australia can find out more information regarding a refund for their student visa by contacting the Department of Home Affairs directly via their contact page or apply for a visa application charge (VAC) refund at...

Can I leave earlier than the end of my on-campus accommodation agreement?

Check your Accommodation Agreement contract and discuss your circumstances with your accommodation provider if you think you may need to leave your accommodation early. There may be financial penalties if you break your contract. ...

How does a student's employer set up a sponsorship to pay for the student's tuition fees (domestic or international student)?

Please visit the Sponsorship page on the Current students website for information on setting up a sponsorship. For further information, contact the Sponsor Fees team via their details below. Phone: 1300 222 888 Email: ...

Can non-Curtin students apply for on-campus accommodation?

Zamia Apartments are accommodations available for Curtin staff, students, visitors, and the general community. Availability is limited, please contact Curtin Reservations to enquire. Other accommodations on Perth campus are available to: Curt...

What equipment and furniture is supplied in on-campus accommodation?

Most rooms are equipped with a bed, desk, and wardrobe storage. Shared kitchen and living spaces will also be furnished. Linen and kitchen utensils are not provided, but can be purchased from your residence, or local shops. Please see our accommodati...

Am I a travel restricted student?

A travel restricted student (also referred to as 'TRI' or 'travel restricted internal'), is an international student who has been prevented from entering Western Australia to commence or continue their studies on campus, due to current visa processin...

What on campus facilities are available to students at Curtin?

Curtin offers a range of services and facilities on and off campus to enhance university life. Free and confidential advice is offered to provide support for study and learning strategies, career and culture as well as information on student associa...

Can parents or others apply for on-campus accommodation and pay on my behalf?

They can, but it will be your responsibility to make sure that payments and applications are made on time. Payment deadlines will be the same for everyone whether you use an agent or not. Make sure that you follow the payment instructions carefully....

Do we share rooms in on-campus accommodation?

All residences have private bedrooms. If you choose to live in a shared apartment, you will share your kitchen, living space and bathrooms. ...

What is the Curtin Excellence Scholarship?

The Curtin Excellence Scholarship rewards students who have demonstrated academic excellence by achieving an ATAR of 96 and above and want to pursue study at Curtin University. Application forms are not required, students apply by selecting an elig...

I am an international student and have school aged children, how do I get them into school?

Please visit our Bringing Your Family page for information on the application process. Curtin's Dependent Schooling information sheet will provide you with further information regarding visa processing, obtaining a Confirmation of Placement (CoP) let...

How can I accept my Letter of Offer?

Instructions on accepting your offer will be indicated in the Letter of Offer that will be emailed to you. Complete acceptance documents must be received by the Admissions team before we can admit you into the course. A Confirmation of Enrolment (CO...

What are Curtin Credentials?

Curtin Credentials are flexible, globally recognised courses that are designed to further professional development and to deepen and broaden knowledge and experience. They have been created to offer dynamic, engaging and flexible learning experiences...

How can I find out how long it will take for my visa to be processed?

You can find visa processing times on the Department of Home Affairs website. ...

How do I contact the Sponsor Fees Team?

Contact the Sponsor Fees Team using the details below: Phone: 1300 222 888 Email: Location: Technology Park Building 603, 6 Sarich Way Bentley 6102 Alternatively, please visit our Sponsorship page for further information...

Is Cert IV the minimum requirement for entry in to undergraduate study?

Yes, a Certificate IV is required for courses with a required ATAR of 70. If you’re applying with Certificates I-III, please use our pathway finder tool to explore the best options for you....

What are the contract dates for on-campus accommodation?

Contract dates will vary between providers. Generally, contracts will begin in either January or February and end in July for semester contracts, or end in November or December for yearly contracts. Please contact Curtin Reservations for more in...

What happens if I withdraw from a unit?

If you withdraw from a unit before census date there is no impact to you financially or academically. You will not be charged for any units withdrawn before census date, and they will not appear on your academic record. If you withdraw from a unit ...

How will Curtin spend my Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)?

Curtin must spend the revenue from your SSAF on non-academic services and amenities. You can find a full list of the services and amenities provided at Curtin on the Student services and amenities fees (SSAF) webpage. ...

Is there a fee for applying direct to Curtin University?

No. Applying to a course direct via the Curtin University website does not incur an application cost. ...

Will I be taxed on my scholarship?

Some scholarship payments may be exempt income (not taxable income). If you have a scholarship you will need to work out if it is taxable or not by using this questionnaire tool on the Australian Government's Taxation Office's website. Further infor...

Why is the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) premium in my offer letter different from what is listed on Medibank's website?

Curtin University has established partnership agreement with Medibank Private, allowing us to negotiate better rates and benefits for our students. This is why the premium in your offer letter is more competitive than if you are purchasing directly t...

Can I defer my scholarship offer for more than 12 months?

If you have exceptional circumstances such as national service commitments, and your scholarships conditions permit you to do so, you may apply to defer your scholarships for longer than 12 months. You will need to request this by submitting a webfor...

Am I able to work whilst in receipt of a scholarship?

Yes, you may work for an employer whilst receiving a scholarship. If you are in receipt of a need-based scholarship and your financial situation changes, you are required to notify the Scholarships Office. You will then be advised of any impact this...

Is priority given to international students who apply for on-campus accommodation?

For Perth and Kalgoorlie campus accommodation, there is no specific priority for international students. Contact Perth or Kalgoorlie for details. Priority will often be given to students with disabilities or other special requirements. ...

Are on-campus rooms air-conditioned and heated?

Rooms at Twin Dolphin Hall, Zamia Apartments, St Catherine's College and Agricola on-campus accommodation all contain air conditioning and heating. All other residences have heating and fans. ...

Can I apply for on-campus accommodation for the duration of my course?

For Curtin Perth Campus accommodation and Curtin Kalgoorlie Agricola accommodation, students can apply for a semester or full year at a time. At the end of your contract, you can choose whether you want to renew your contract. For other campuses, pl...

Do I have to re-apply for my scholarship each year?

If you are in receipt of a continuing scholarship, you do not need to re-apply. You will receive your payment each semester as long as you meet the terms and conditions of your scholarship. View your scholarship terms and conditions for further inf...

Can I study part-time and maintain my scholarship?

Most need-based scholarships allow part-time study, however most merit based scholarships are only offered for students who are studying full-time (75 or 100 credits per semester). Part-time study may be permitted under extenuating circumstances for ...

Should I apply for UniReady or portfolio entry?

While both UniReady and Portfolio entry are non-ATAR admission pathways to degree courses, the pathway program you choose will depend on your qualifications and your competency in English. To apply for a Curtin course via portfolio entry, you must: ...

Is the Curtin campus safe?

Your safety on campus is one of our biggest priorities. Curtin’s Safer Community Team makes sure the campus remains a safe and friendly place for all students and provides safety assistance to staff and students on campus. We work closely with our...

I have a criminal conviction on my record, will this affect my exchange?

Yes. Some countries will not issue you with a student visa if you have any criminal convictions. Please check with the consulate of the country to which you are travelling for further information....

What Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) details do I need to provide for my student visa application?

If you have paid Curtin to organise your OSHC on your behalf, you can simply provide a copy of Curtin’s Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for your visa application. Your COE should already have your OSHC details, cover and duration required for your ...

Will my ATAR be considered if my course weighted average is not competitive?

Depending on the course, your ATAR may be taken into account. However, the higher your course weighted average (CWA) the more competitive your application will be overall....

I have paid my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), when can I activate it and obtain my OSHC membership number?

If you have purchased OSHC cover via Curtin, the university can only accept OSHC payment on behalf of Medibank Private, our preferred provider. Your Medibank OSHC policy will be processed once your OSHC payment is received and your admission to Cur...

How do I contact Bupa?

You can contact BUPA via email at or if you are in Australia, please visit the nearest BUPA store. Alternatively, you may visit Bupa's website for more contact details. ...

Who can help with my health insurance claims and other claims related queries?

You will need to contact your own Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider for claims related queries. If you own an OSHC with Medibank Private, please contact Medibank OSHC team on 134 148 or they can also be contacted via

To study at Curtin, do I need to take an English test in addition to completing UniReady?

No, you do not need to. Completing the two designated units within UniReady will fulfill our English competency requirements. Completing all four UniReady units is equivalent to achieving an ATAR of 70....

Can a TAFE qualification be used to apply for postgraduate study?

Most postgraduate degrees require a bachelor’s degree. However, some select courses may accept experience-based entry which allows for the consideration of TAFE in combination with other relevant work or life experience. Visit our webpage for more ...

I am an international student studying at a WA high school. Am I eligible for a Curtin Excellence Scholarship?

No. The Curtin Excellence Scholarship is not offered to international students. You can search for other scholarships you may be eligible for on the Scholarships website. ...

Can I accept my offer without paying the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

If you are applying for a student visa, you must purchase OSHC cover for the duration of your studies in Australia as per the requirements of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). To do this, you have two options: You can organise your own OSHC:...

How do I register for a Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)?

You register for STAT by completing the STAT Booking Form online, or by calling the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) on (08) 9318 8000. TISC office hours are 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Note: If you've completed an ATAR Engli...

Do I have to pay for an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

It is a mandatory requirement that all international students on a student visa must have an active OSHC throughout the active duration of their student visa from the date of their arrival in Australia until the date that their visa expires. If you...

How can I apply for an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) refund?

If you have organised your own OSHC, you will need to contact your OSHC provider directly for your OSHC refund. Curtin is not able to contact the OSHC provider on your behalf. If you have paid your OSHC to Curtin and need to apply for a refund, p...

How can I determine if my studies at another university meet the prerequisites for switching to Curtin?

Your previous university studies will be assessed by our Admissions team as part of your application to determine if you meet the prerequisites....

What happens if my course application is unsuccessful?

If your application is unsuccessful, you will receive feedback on the reason and alternate course options, if applicable. You can also contact Curtin Connect for pathway advice on how to become eligible for the next intake....

What is a student ambassador?

In 2009, Curtin officially launched a Student Ambassador Program. Student Ambassadors are current students who act as a link between the university and the outside community. They come from all walks of life and use their own experiences to give peop...

How can I organise my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

If you would like Curtin to organise the OSHC for you, it will be purchased through our preferred provider, Medibank Private. The process will be as follows: 1) Make an OSHC Payment. You can make your OSHC payment at the same time when you m...

Who requires an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

All student visa holders are required to have an adequate health insurance throughout their stay in Australia. This means that the insurance must commence from the date on when the student arrives in Australia with their student visa and the cover m...

Do I still need to purchase an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) if my country is covered under Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) with Australia?

If you are in Australia on a student visa holding a citizenship of either Norway, Sweden or Belgium, you are not required to purchase an OSHC because you will be covered for treatment that is medically necessary under your country’s Reciprocal Heal...

Is ATAR the only pathway to university?

The short answer is … no! There are many pathways to university, depending on your life and work experience. Whether you’re finishing high school, coming from TAFE, or considering a career change, at Curtin there is an entry pathway for you. D...

Can I do ATAR again?

Yes, after year 12, select institutions offer ATAR-level subjects that you can take to adjust your overall ATAR score or allow you to study Curtin subject prerequisites. When applying to Curtin, your most recent ATAR score will be considered. For mor...

Do I need to prepare for Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)?

If you enrol and pay to sit STAT, you will receive a candidate information booklet containing examples of the types of questions used in the test. Reading the booklet will help you to familiarise yourself with the STAT. You may also prefer to receive...

When are Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) held?

Metropolitan Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (stat) sessions are held at Canning College from May to February each year. Country sessions are offered twice a year in May and November in major regional centres. There are no set venues for STAT c...

Can I study UniReady if I have a medical condition or disability?

Yes, we offer support services and resources to help you succeed in your studies. Find out more about how we can help....