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What is the speed limit around campus?

The legal speed limit on roads around the Curtin Perth campus is 30kph and 10kph in all car parks or as signposted. With the single objective of minimising risks to all staff, students, and visitors using the campus, a strict campaign against speedin...

Where can I find the entry requirements for courses?

Each Curtin course has specific entry requirements. On our Future Students webpage you will be able to search all of Curtin’s course offerings. Once you have selected your course, click on the Admission Criteria tab to view the up-to-date informati...

How do I apply to study a postgraduate course at Curtin?

Postgraduate study are university-level courses for students who have either an undergraduate degree or significant work/life experience in the study area. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and masters degrees. Th...

How do I pay rent in on-campus accommodation?

For Perth on-campus accommodation, rent can be paid fortnightly or upfront for the full-term. Further information will be provided in your Room Offer. Please contact Curtin Perth's Reservations team at, or on +61 8 6186...

Can I study at an institution that Curtin does not have an exchange agreement with?

Yes. This is considered a Study Abroad and Exchange program. Under a Study Abroad program, you can attend institutions with which Curtin does not have an exchange agreement. To apply for a Study Abroad and Exchange program, you are required to: ...

Is Cert IV the minimum requirement for entry in to undergraduate study?

Yes, a Certificate IV is required for courses with a required ATAR of 70. If you’re applying with Certificates I-III, please use our pathway finder tool to explore the best options for you....

Should I apply for UniReady or portfolio entry?

While both UniReady and Portfolio entry are non-ATAR admission pathways to degree courses, the pathway program you choose will depend on your qualifications and your competency in English. To apply for a Curtin course via portfolio entry, you must: ...

Will my ATAR be considered if my course weighted average is not competitive?

Depending on the course, your ATAR may be taken into account. However, the higher your course weighted average (CWA) the more competitive your application will be overall....

To study at Curtin, do I need to take an English test in addition to completing UniReady?

No, you do not need to. Completing the two designated units within UniReady will fulfill our English competency requirements. Completing all four UniReady units is equivalent to achieving an ATAR of 70....

Can a TAFE qualification be used to apply for postgraduate study?

Most postgraduate degrees require a bachelor’s degree. However, some select courses may accept experience-based entry which allows for the consideration of TAFE in combination with other relevant work or life experience. Visit our webpage for more ...