Female student using wheelchair reviewing disability resources with Curtin staff member

Applying to Curtin if you have a disability

If you have a disability or health condition, you can access a range of support services to help you succeed at Curtin. Here are some useful resources to assist with your application.

Finding a suitable course

The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) website is a good place to start. It contains assistance for choosing and exploring your options, from NDIS plans and financial considerations, to choosing a course. We also recommend you check for any inherent course requirements before you apply.

Accessing Curtin’s disability and accessibility services

Accessing Curtin’s disability and accessibility services

Once you have chosen your course, we recommend you make an appointment with us to discuss your support requirements. We can then help you create a Curtin Access Plan, which is a document that outlines the reasonable adjustments you need may require to study the course.

Please advise us if you have any specific needs for the appointment, such as information in an alternative format or an Auslan interpreter.

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A Curtin Access Plan (CAP) outlines reasonable adjustments to enable equitable access to your studies and assessments.

Curtin Access Plan

Useful resources

Bringing your support worker on campus

If you need to bring a paid or unpaid carer or support worker to campus, please contact AccessAbility Services.

Companion Card program

Curtin will issue companion cardholders with a second ticket to Curtin events to enable a support worker or carer to accompany you at no additional cost.

Support for students with autism spectrum disorder

We offer a peer support mentoring program specifically designed for students with an autism spectrum or related condition.

Accessing your course materials

Curtin provides information in alternative formats and supports those using assistive technologies, We also offer individually tailored library services.

Students who are carers

If you are a student who cares for someone with a disability, you may be eligible for additional support.

Equity resources

Curtin has a number of resources and initiatives to help students from all backgrounds access university.

Visiting campus

Find out all the information you need about coming to campus, including accessing courtesy bays, ACROD parking and using wheelchair-accessible routes.

Mobility assistance

Mobility assistance

We provide mobility scooters and manual wheelchairs for short term loan for students, staff or visitors at Curtin Perth, subject to availability.

Arrangements can be made for overnight recharging and storage of mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs in Building 213. Contact an AccessAbility advisor to discuss your needs.


Contact AccessAbility

Contact AccessAbility for any queries regarding study supports available for your studies.

Contact Curtin Connect

Contact Curtin Connect for any queries about your enrolment, special consideration admissions or entry pathways advice.

Contact AccessAbility

Contact Curtin Connect