The Graduate Certificate in Design and Art provides a sound introduction to graduate studies and allows you to pursue independent projects under the guidance of experienced staff. This course is flexible and can be tailored to suit individual interests and career objectives. It allows you to develop creative and professional skills through studies in contemporary design and art practice, and covers a wide variety of specialisations.
You can choose to focus your studies on one of the following specialisations:
- Animation and game design
- Creative advertising or graphic design
- Design and art theory
- Digital design
- Fashion
- Fine art
- Photography or illustration design.
This course is suited to applicants with knowledge and expertise from other disciplines as well as those with formal qualifications in art or design. Through a combination of coursework, project-based units, and professional placements you'll learn the skills and knowledge required to produce contemporary design and art solutions.
Upon successful completion of the graduate certificate, you may then subsequently enrol in the master degree.
Please refer to the handbook for additional course overview information.
What jobs can the Design and Art course lead to?
Graduates of design and art generally find employment within all avenues of design, including design studios, advertising agencies, public relations and marketing organisations. Your research project can aid further in niche specialisation and self employment.
Career opportunities
- Art director
- Art writer
- Creative strategist
- Curator
- Fashion professional
- Graphic designer
- Illustrator
- Multimedia designer
- Photographer.
Potential employers
- Advertising agencies
- Design studios
- Fashion studios
- Government
- Marketing organisations
- Media organisations
- Not-for-profit organisations.
What you'll learn
- apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and responsibility in complex and unpredictable contexts that require self directed work and learning.
- apply cognitive skills using intellectual independence to think critically, creatively and to reflect on professional theory and practice
- locate, critically evaluate and synthesise relevant and reliable information sources related to Design and Art
- communicate textually, visually and verbally in a way that is appropriate to creative practice and target audiences
- use appropriate technologies that demonstrate the application of comprehensive technical methodologies
- demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills by taking full responsibility for professional and scholarly outputs in all aspects of the work
- think globally and consider issues from a range of perspectives, know and apply when appropriate, international standards and practices within Design and Art disciplines
- respect individual human rights; recognise the importance and benefits of cultural diversity to Design and Art practice, particularly the perspective of Indigenous Australians; value diversity of language
- apply professional standards; work independently and collaboratively; demonstrate authoritative judgement, responsibility and ethical action as a leading practitioner in the disciplines