Building on your professional knowledge and experience, this course offers engaging and intellectually challenging units of study that contain relevant, current and cutting edge knowledge and research in a range of specialist areas.
Delivered by dedicated educators and researchers, this course comprises coursework and a research project where you can investigate an area of personal or professional interest.
You can choose to study one of the following specialisation options:
- Advanced pedagogies
- Language, literacy and applied linguistics.
You can also study across specialisations.
This course is useful for those aspiring to promotion in school systems.
If you complete the master degree to a high standard, you may be eligible to proceed onto doctoral-level studies.
Please refer to the handbook for additional course overview information.
What jobs can the Education course lead to?
National and state initiatives are emphasising the importance of continuing professional learning for qualified teachers. Postgraduate qualifications in education are now favourably considered in applications for promotion in school systems.
What you'll learn
- demonstrate and apply comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of educational research and theory
- formulate and investigate educational problems and solutions via critical engagement with relevant and contemporary empirical and theoretical literature
- identify, access, analyse and synthesise information from a wide range of sources using appropriate technologies
- communicate information and ideas effectively through a range of mediums and in ways that are appropriate for a range of audiences and education stakeholders
- engage critically and effectively with innovative and appropriate technologies for a range of purposes
- demonstrate a capacity for independent learning, critically evaluate personal performance and respond to feedback with a view to development as a reflective practitioner and lifelong learner
- consider educational and professional issues from a variety of national and international perspectives with a view to informing and improving educational and professional knowledge and practice
- appreciate the value of individual and cultural differences, and the important implications these have for knowledge production, effective practice and professionalism in education settings
- work both independently and collaboratively in a way that demonstrates professionalism, a commitment to socially-just and ethical practices and the capacity for future leadership in the field of education