The Professional Writing and Publishing stream is available in the Graduate Certificate in Arts course. It is designed for those seeking to improve writing for corporate communications and editing roles.
Upon successful completion of the graduate certificate, you may transfer to the Professional Writing and Publishing Major of the Master of Arts.
How this course will make you industry ready
We provide on-campus, industry and community-based initiatives to enhance your postgraduate experience and skills development. Students undertake a major project under the supervision of an experienced member of staff. This project becomes an important portfolio piece for many students.
Students may also practise their skills on placement with industry, arts and community organisations in Australia and overseas, developing confidence and engagement with relevant networks. They also have an opportunity to engage with award-winning artists, writers and researchers on staff and through our on-campus residency programs.
What you'll learn
- understand the discipline of Professional Writing and Publishing, its theoretical underpinnings, ways of thinking and professional or creative approaches; understand and apply established knowledge, principles, and professional or creative practices in chosen aspects of the Arts
- apply logical and rational processes to analyse the components of a subject or project and engage critically with the subject matter to respond creatively within a selected communication paradigm
- determine what information is needed and where it might be found using appropriate technologies; make valid judgements and synthesise information from a range of sources and apply best practice in developing a professional or creative work in response to a particular situation
- understand and apply a range of learning strategies; take responsibility for one's own learning and development; think globally and consider issues from a variety of perspectives and apply relevant international standards, tools and practices to one’s professional or creative practice
- acknowledge the interrelationship between local, national, and global perspectives and the impact of these on the Arts: recognise individual human rights, and appreciate the importance of cultural diversity and the sensitivities which may be created when engaging with and representing issues pertaining to ethnic and community groups
- demonstrate professional behaviour and standards and work collaboratively to apply them in all aspects of creative practice and production-related activities