Western Australians live in a biodiversity hotspot. This minor introduces you to the flora and fauna of Western Australia and the skills to survey and identify biological species. These skills are in high demand in environmental consultancies in Western Australia for a wide variety of applications from native land clearing to rehabilitation and biodiversity conservation.
What you'll learn
- have demonstrated some knowledge and understanding in biological diversity that is typically at a level supported by textbooks, but not necessarily at the forefront of the field, GC1
- can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to the field and have developing competencies typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments (to both specialist and non-specialist audiences) and solving straightforward problems within biological diversity, including using digital technologies, GC2, GC3
- can gather and interpret relevant data within biological diversity to inform judgements that include some reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues related to biological diversity, GC4, GC5
- demonstrate a developing standard of professional behaviour, including effective time management, both independently and as a team member, GC6