• The Foundation of Design stream prepares students for undergraduate study in one of the many majors within the Bachelor of Design. It has four core units that are common to all Foundation courses: Critical Thinking, Research and Writing; Computer Productivity; Mathematical Foundations; and Advanced Critical Thinking, Research and Writing. In this stream students study units in design, marketing, management, and project management. This stream is studied over two study periods. Students who have completed the IBCP or AS Levels and have an Academic IELTS score of 6.0 upon entry may receive advanced standing for four modules. The modules for students with such advanced standing are shown as Single Trimesters in the streamed version of the Program which includes four modules: Advanced Critical Thinking, Research and Writing; Mathematical Foundations; Introduction to Project Management; and Introduction to Design Thinking. Pathways to further study: Students who successfully complete the Foundation of Design program will be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Design (any major or specialisation ) available at Curtin Dubai or at the Curtin Bentley campus (Western Australia).
What you'll learn
- Develop cognitive and technical skills for the application of knowledge, concepts and principles in the discipline, as a foundation for undergraduate study
- Demonstrate academic skills of critical thinking and analysis by engaging with specific content and controversial themes.
- Locate, extract and critically appraise relevant evidence in the discipline.
- Demonstrate oral presentation and writing skills appropriate to university entry level.
- Use electronic resources to effectively collect, collate information and to communicate effectively.
- Apply independent learning and self-management strategies to manage academic work commitments.
- Explore, examine and critically analyse 'globalisation' in the context of their discipline.
- Develop critical appreciation of the major perspectives from which human behaviour, attitudes, thoughts, interactions, literature, language, society, culture and communications are presented and interpreted.
- Work independently and in teams with integrity to achieve academic and personal goals.