The Physical Science major allows students to study fundamental aspects of physics, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, and geology, with a particular focus on drawing together studies in these disciplines to prepare students to tackle emerging challenges. Physics and astronomy seek to explain relationships between the smallest through to the largest structures, utilising the four known Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic and Gravitational forces. Chemists explore the properties and behaviour of matter, whereas geologists study the solid Earth, the composition of its rocks and how these change over time. These fields of study are all underpinned by mathematics as a framework for explaining observations and predicting outcomes.
What you'll learn
- have demonstrated knowledge and understanding across disciplines in physical science that is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of the field of study, GC1
- apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to physical science, and have competencies typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments (to both specialist and non-specialist audiences) and solving problems across disciplines in physical science, GC2
- understand the constructs of the scientific method and apply these principles in physical science using digital technologies, GC3
- gather and interpret relevant data across the physical science to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues, including being aware of the diversity of international perspectives associated across physical science, and how these impact upon the practice of physical science, GC4
- understand and appreciate cultural diversity and how it impacts on the practice of physical science, GC5
- display a high standard of professional behaviour, including effective time management, both independently and as a team member, GC6