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Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships

To apply for a RTP scholarship for a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at Curtin University, you’ll need to start by obtaining an Invitation to Apply from a Registered Curtin Supervisor.

Scholarship Application Process Timeline

  1. RTP Scholarship Round Opens – 1st July
    Open to current and prospective domestic and international applicants. You can explore listed research projects or propose your own. Make sure to check the eligibility criteria before applying.
  2. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) – 1st July to 18th August
    Submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) to a level 1 research supervisor. If you are shortlisted, you may be requested to discuss the project with the principal supervisor and receive a formal Invitation to Apply. Your invitation to apply will include referee information. It is highly recommended to arrange a secondary referee report to support your scholarship application.
    Note: You can only be shortlisted once. If multiple project nominations are received, only the first you received for scholarship consideration will be ranked.
  3. Submit your Admission Application – No later than 31st August
    You can find detailed application instructions for HDR degrees on the ‘How to Apply’ page.
  4. Scholarship Outcomes – November
    The central scholarship selection committee will award RTP Scholarships to support HDR students. You’ll receive notification of outcomes via email.
  5. Enrolment Period – No later than 31st March
    Successful scholarship recipients must enrol and start their HDR course by this date. Current Curtin HDR students will start their scholarships from 1st January.

Additional Requirements for Current Curtin HDR Students

To be eligible for centrally supported scholarships, current Curtin HDR students must:

For more information, please visit the Scholarship Website.

RTP Scholarship Procedures

The Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Procedures  detail the processes and conditions for RTP Scholarships. They cover:

All Australian Government RTP Scholarship recipients and applicants are required to familiarise themselves with these procedures.

If you’re receiving an RTP Scholarship, you should also read the related associated Conditions of Award (CoA).

Notification of your Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)

Curtin will obtain and record your CHESSN on your behalf. There is no action required on your part.

Your CHESSN is a unique identifying number that stays with you for the whole of your student life. It helps Curtin and the Australian Government provide you with information about any Commonwealth assistance (scholarships or HELP loans) you may have used.

Domestic students

To be eligible for an RTP scholarship, Curtin is required to issue domestic students with a CHESSN and report this number to the Department of Education and Training (DET). If you already have a CHESSN from previous study, the number will remain the same. If you do not have a CHESSN, Curtin will proceed to obtain the CHESSN on your behalf.

International students

To comply with DET’s future requirements, Curtin will obtain a CHESSN on your behalf. This will form part of Curtin’s reporting obligations.

Where can I find more information on CHESSNs?

Learn more about CHESSNs on the StudyAssist website.

Where can I find my CHESSN?

Your CHESSN is printed on the top right-hand corner of your electronic Commonwealth Assistance Notice (eCAN).

How do I view my eCAN?

See the ‘How do I view my eCAN’ section on the Fees@Curtin website.

More information

For more information about the RTP, view the Department of Education and Training’s frequently asked questions or visit the Australian Government website.