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The Fine Art stream is available in the Graduate Certificate in Arts course. In this stream, you will focus on creating works that contribute to the artistic, aesthetic and social needs of…
Opportunities are offered at Curtin to students from abroad to undertake studies for credit to their degree at their home university but not take a degree from this University. Students participate by…
Make a culturally appropriate, positive community impact.
Learn the essential skills you need to successfully manage projects.
Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications.
This major/stream is part of a larger course. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information.
Minors prepare students to develop broad knowledge about an additional discipline area that complements their study in an award course.
Specialisations prepare students to develop broad knowledge about an additional discipline area or same discipline area that complements their study in an award course. Some Specialisations may assist…
Specialisations prepare students to develop broad knowledge about an additional discipline area or same discipline area that complements their study in an award course. Some Specialisations may assist…