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Develop knowledge of human behaviour and acquire analytical methods to examine how culture, personality and lifestyle affect consumer behaviour.
Take a deep dive into the field of business information systems and become specialised in using technology to improve business outcomes.
Build your specialty practice expertise through deeper knowledge of the physical, psychosocial and environmental aspects involved in patient care and clinical decision-making.
Graduate Certificates prepare students to develop advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 8 qualifications.
Specialisations prepare students to develop broad knowledge about an additional discipline area or same discipline area that complements their study in an award course. Some Specialisations may assist…
Successful completion of this stream provides internationally and locally qualified nurses to seek registration within Australia.
Learn to use medical radiation to help diagnose, treat and monitor medical conditions or provide cancer therapy.
Understanding human behaviour is paramount in a world of increasing globalisation.
Build your specialty practice expertise through deeper knowledge of the physical, psychosocial and environmental aspects involved in patient care and clinical decision-making.