Male and female colleague looking at a computer monitor


If you’re passionate about the written word, digital media, information management or records and archives, you’ll find the right course for you at Curtin.

Why study creative arts and communications at Curtin?

#1 for graduate employment

Of WA’s public universities, Curtin has the highest rate of graduates finding full-time employment.
(Good Universities Guide 2024)

#1 graduates in Australia

For the fifth year in a row, Curtin has outranked all other WA public universities for undergraduate outcomes in full-time employment, starting salary and staff qualification.

Connect to industry

Benefit from strong industry links and real-world learning and build your professional network before you graduate.

Hear from one of our students

Watch the video below to hear more about Charlie’s experience studying the Master of Journalism.

 - play video

Charlie credits his success in his career to the support he received from his lecturers and the abundance of practical and real-world learning he had access to during his studies.

Aerial view of a male and female sitting at a cafe table with a laptop open in front of them