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Certain courses and/ or some fieldwork host organisations require students to be screened for and vaccinated against Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) before commencing fieldwork. This includes but is not limited to:

Additional screening may also be required for:

  • Tuberculosis
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis C
  • MRSA – for any student who has been a patient in a hospital or worked in a clinical setting (including hospitals or residential care facilities) outside of WA in the 12 months prior to commencing fieldwork.

As well as offering protection to the community, these requirements support the University’s commitment to take all reasonable steps to protect you from vaccine preventable diseases while you are enrolled as a student at Curtin.

You will be responsible for all costs associated with screening and vaccination requirements. If you do not complete these requirements you may not be able to commence fieldwork.

Note: Students undertaking fieldwork outside of Western Australia and overseas may need additional immunisations and screening depending on the destination.

Further information is available from the Australian Immunisation Handbook.

Screening/ vaccination schedule

Your School will provide you with course specific information about screening/vaccination requirements and schedules. Some vaccinations need multiple inoculations over a period of time before immunity is achieved, so screening and vaccinations should be planned early as this can take up to several months. TB screening should be completed before you receive vaccines for other conditions because of possible interactive effects. You will be responsible for ensuring that your vaccinations are kept up to date.


You are strongly advised to keep a copy of your screening/vaccination history and records in a safe place as you will need to provide original records (including childhood records) as evidence of your compliance.

IMPORTANT: The Curtin University Student Serology and Immunisation Form must be used. Refer to your School for information on submitting this form.

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