Curtin Community Pantry

The Curtin Community Pantry, an initiative made possible through the generosity of the students, staff and the wider community, supports Curtin students facing financial difficulty by providing low barrier access to basic food supplies and other essentials.

Apply for a hamper

If you’re a Curtin student in financial need, you’re welcome to apply for a hamper containing food and other essentials from the Curtin Community Pantry located in Curtin Perth. Community hamper applications will close on the second and fourth Friday of each month and all applications will be assessed based on individual circumstances. Successful applicants will be notified via SMS when food hampers are ready for collection the following week. If you require assistance sooner than that, please contact the Student Wellbeing Advisory Service.

Volunteer with the Pantry

Volunteer with the Pantry

Interested in helping out with the Community Pantry? From assisting with deliveries to sorting out stock, login to the Curtin Volunteers! Portal to see what opportunities are currently available.