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How do I apply for the STAT (Special Tertiary Admissions Test)?

UPDATED 14 FEB 2023 | 12:05AM

To apply to sit the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) you will need to do one of the following depending on your background:

  • If you are a school leaver and you do not meet English competency, but have achieved a 70 ATAR or equivalent, you may demonstrate your competence in English by sitting the Written English component of the STAT. Invitation to book the test will be stated in your University Admissions Advice Letter (UAAL).
  • If you not a school leaver and are under the age of 20, and meet the 70 ATAR or equivalent, you are able to book the Written English component of the STAT directly via the TISC website.
  • All other applicants may book to sit the STAT directly via the TISC website

Please note: Some courses, particularly Science, Engineering and Health courses, do not accept the full STAT as an admission pathway. However, all Curtin courses accept the Written English section as proof of English language proficiency.

Please refer to the Admission Criteria for your preferred course to check whether the STAT is an accepted method of entry.

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