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Will I be taxed on my scholarship?

UPDATED 14 FEB 2023 | 12:05AM

If you are studying full-time, your scholarship money will usually not be treated as taxable income.

Exceptions may apply if:

  • Your study load is less than 75 credits (part-time).
  • It is a condition of your scholarship that you undertake activities that are of use, help or benefit to the scholarship provider (i.e you are rendering a service by agreeing to undertake the activities).
  • Upon completion of your degree you are required to become, or shall continue to be, an employee of the scholarship provider.
  • Your scholarship is not provided principally for educational purposes.

For further information, use the online scholarship tool on the Australian Taxation Office website or contact the Australian Taxation Office

If a letter regarding your scholarship is required for taxation purposes, contact the Scholarships Office.

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