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How do I make alternative assessment or exam arrangements?

UPDATED 05 FEB 2024 | 3:11AM

You may require alternative assessment and/or exam arrangements due to disability or medical reasons, religious reasons, family/care obligations, or elite athlete commitments.   Arrangements should be made at least four weeks prior to the examination period. Disability or medical reasons If you need alternative arrangements due to a medical condition or disability you should seek approval from AccessAbility Services. You are also eligible if you are a primary carer of a person with a disability. You will need to provide documentation from your treating health professional to support your request at the initial appointment. AccessAbility Services will then assess your situation and assist you to make arrangements for in-class and end of semester exams if required. For more information, contact AccessAbility Services Religious reasons If you have obligatory religious requirements that prevent you from sitting an examination at the scheduled time you should seek approval for alternative arrangements to sit your examinations. You will need to provide appropriate supporting documentation from your church or religious group. For more information, visit the Religious equity arrangements webpage Family, care, and social inclusion If you are experiencing issues related to social inclusion that prohibit you from sitting your exams at the scheduled time, such as pregnancy or extenuating commitments as a primary carer, you should contact a Student Wellbeing Advisor. They will be able to determine what alternative arrangement is required or assist with your application. For more information, contact Student Wellbeing Advisory Service. Elite athletes Recognised elite athletes who need alternative arrangements need to seek approval from Curtin’s Elite Athlete Coordinator. For more information, contact Curtin’s Elite Athlete Coordinator.

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