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What should I do if I'm on Terminated status?

UPDATED 31 JAN 2024 | 1:03AM

If your academic status is changed to Terminated it certainly does not mean that your time here at Curtin has to end, nor does it mean that we cannot help you further in pursuing your academic goals. Below are the options you might consider:

Domestic Students (including OUA)

  1. Appeal against the decision. If you decide to appeal, please refer to Request for review on the  Academic Status Appeal webpage 
  2. Accept the decision and take a break from study. You can re-apply for the same course after 12 months (or in some instances 6 months).
  3. Apply for a new course.

International Students

  1. Appeal against the decision. If you decide to appeal, please refer to Request for review on the  Academic Status Appeal webpage 
  2. Apply for a new course at Curtin University or an alternative institution.
  3. Accept the decision and do not continue your course. This will result in the Australian Government being notified that you have ceased studying.

If you choose to appeal, you can continue to enrol in units and attend classes until your appeal has been heard, or the deadline to appeal has passed. It is highly recommended you enrol, register for and attend classes if you intend to continue in your studies. Attend a Terminated status information session for support with drating your review.

Student Assist and Student Wellbeing can read a draft appeal before you submit it.

*The above process and support available is the same for students studying through Open Universities Australia.

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